Lviv Polytechnic opens the Leadership School at the Department of Personnel Training and Development. Its mission is to monitor innovations in the field of personnel management and to pass on this information to the Heads of the University Departments. The Head of the Department of Personnel Training and Development, Nadiia Liubomudrova, tells in more detail about the work of the Leadership School.
– We work in an extremely changing environment. Now there are a lot of challenges for the University staff, one of the main ones is the ability to quickly adapt to new tools and acquire new skills. Therefore, the leadership must also be able to integrate their teams into these changes. Today, the main task of the leadership is not just to administer work, but to organize people to perform certain tasks and certain projects, said Mz. Liubomudrova.
Since Lviv Polytechnic has several levels of management, there are different units with completely different tasks, as well as different generations of employees. Thus the leader should understand that employees must not be motivated only financially, but they need to be shown their prospects for development.
– Today, the leader must be able to organize work, focusing on a long-term result and long-term prospects. Therefore, it is necessary to combine motivational mechanisms that can be of interest to different generations. After all, the older generation is accustomed to using the same methods while young people perceive information at another level. Accordingly, these needs require a new type of leader. The modern leader must understand these challenges and respond to them. And it is the Leadership School that will be aimed at forming such leaders, added the Head of the Department of Personnel Training and Development.
Nowadays there are also lots of opportunities to move away from outdated methods and this is what the School of Leadership will promote.
– We will organize and conduct trainings that will help to develop new skills. The plans include a series of trainings for which we will also invite experts with management experience in various fields. Previously, we have been running the program for over a year, conducting various trainings for University Departments, so now we will only supplement those topics which will be necessary for a particular unit, explained the Head of the Department of Personnel Training and Development Nadiia Liubomudrova.