As it was already written there was quite a long award ceremony at the April meeting of the University Academic Board. On May 28, it turned out that for Polytechnicians it is not the limit – this time there was even more awardees.
As always, there were lots of winners in sports and science. Educational and pedagogical workers also had many achievements. Yevhen Krykavskyi was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Mykhailo Nykypanchuk received the title of the Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine. Anderson III Glen Richard was awarded the University Certificate of Appreciation for his significant achievements in volunteering pedagogical and public work within the cooperation agreement between the US Peace Corps in Ukraine and Lviv Polytechnic, namely, for teaching English at the Department of Foreign Languages. Traditionally, there were also awarded the certificates of academic ranks and degrees.
Vice-Rector Roman Korzh reported to the Academic Board on the role and place of colleges in the structure of Lviv Polytechnic. In particular, he noted that the specialists’ training in these educational institutions most clearly meets the real requirements of the economy.
Also, the speaker noted that University is actively working on the issue of internships for university and colleges students abroad. And as the first result there is the agreement with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Thuringia.
Also there will be new English-language professional education programs in Polytechnic: two for master’s and one for bachelor’s degree within such specialties as Architecture and Urban Planning, Construction and Civil Engineering and Management. Academic Board approved them and allowed to enroll foreign students to be taught these programs.