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Scientific and Technical Library organizes a lecture on the art of photography by Polytechnicians dedicated to the European Heritage Days

4 Sep 2019, 12:52
Scientific and Technical Library, Lviv Polytechnic

On September 6, 2019, within the European Heritage Days a lecture on The Art of Photography by Polytechnic Amateurs and Professionals will be held at the Scientific and Technical Library of Lviv Polytechnic National University.

University librarian, researcher Nadiia Kozel will talk about an attempt to organize a technical center for photography lovers in Lviv Polytechnic. Also she will reveal the names of those who taught the theory and practice of photography at the University and tell how they found a scientific approach to this photographic «craft», cherished the artistic taste and which new techniques were mastered and applied, as well as how various artistic groups collaborated.

The event starts at 18:00.