Two days ago, on May 30 and 31, the VІІ International scientific and technical conference on Information and Information Systems Security took place at our university.
Such a scientific event is an annual one, but last year, due to organizational reasons, it had to be postponed. In 2019 conference resumed its work and, according to the organizers, will continue it from year to year.
– People engaged in Programming and Technical Security in Ukraine and in the world, in particular the Director of the international cybersecurity company UnderDefence, Polytechnic graduate Nazar Tymoshyk, came to this event, informs the scientific secretary of the conference Ivan Opirskyi.
The presented researches are already being used or will be used in public administration, information security, banking and financial institutions, as well as in the military sphere.
In addition to scholars, practicing partners of our university – representatives of Ukrainian IT company SoftServe – took part in the plenary session, sharing their experience in confronting and protecting from cyber attacks.
The researchers presented reports on the following thematic areas: administration and management of information and cyber security; information security in information and communication systems and cryptographic techniques in information security; technical security; information security in cyber-physical systems.
In each of three sections, the Program Organizing Committee selected two young researchers whose papers were the best. While selecting the committee took into account content, topicality, scientific and technical justification. For six people SoftServe and Polytechnic prepared some gifts. According to the organizers the significant achievement of the conference is the increase of the amount of young people – 80% of all participants were students and postgraduates.