A video conference was held for the first-year students of the Department of Tourism, during which Andrii Terebukh, Head of the Department, told them about the possibility of studying at the Pomeranian University in Słupsk, a state university in Poland, and receiving a double diploma.
Double diploma programs are joint educational programs of Ukrainian and foreign universities, which enable Ukrainian students to simultaneously study under integrated studies programs in two educational institutions of different countries and simultaneously obtain two diplomas from Ukrainian and European universities.
The agreement, which provides for double diploma programs, is implemented together with Pomeranian University (speciality «Tourism») at Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development, Lviv Polytechnic. For this program, the University has developed an algorithm for studying and accumulating credits in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System ECTS, which allows students, studying at Lviv Polytechnic, to receive another diploma from another country.