On March 11, 2020, Taras Demkura, Vice President of the International Chamber of Commerce, owner of Atrium shopping and leisure center and solar power station, expert in the field of Economics and Business Efficiency, collector, philanthropist, business coach, Candidate of Economic Sciences, visited the Department of Foreign Trade and Customs, Lviv Polytechnic National University. Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet module «EU competitiveness boosting: circular economy» (CirclE), successful and socially responsible businessman told academic staff and students of Lviv Polytechnic Institute of Economics and Management about the business of the future in the ECO style.
In particular, Mr. Demkura’s thesis on the world entrepreneurship trends of the future, including balance between work and personal life, personal development, branding, networking, communication skills, desire to be part of a team, treating the crisis as a prerequisite for business development, strengthening the role of Internet technologies, active use of social networks, growing interest in natural and healthy food, actualization of the role of environmental projects and much more provoked great interest. Taras Demkura also spoke about eco-trends for business that are important today and whose role will be enhanced in the future, namely: Zero Waste concept, the use of safe house cleaning products, 5R conscious consumption, design thinking, environmental audit of business, formation of eco communities, the use of carcinogenic packaging etc. Of particular interest were Taras Demkura’s guidance on forming leadership competencies, as well as his experience in implementing numerous projects in the fields of energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, socially responsible business and staff development.
The Department of Foreign Trade and Customs expresses its sincere gratitude to Mr. Demkura for his interesting and informative lecture and invites him to continue to work together in spreading circular economy ideas among students and businessmen.