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Lviv Polytechnic Center for International Education informs about a series of webinars dedicated to the Bologna process

7 Oct 2020, 17:32

The Center for International Education, Lviv Polytechnic National University, informs about a series of webinars dedicated to the Bologna Process, organized by the European University Association on October 13, 20, 27; November 10, 17, 2020.

Topics of webinars

  1. Internationalisation and mobility policies and practices
  2. Digitally enhanced learning and teaching in the EHEA context
  3. Flexible learning: micro-credentials as a way to enhance learning and teaching in the EHEA
  4. An introduction to the European Quality Assurance Framework
  5. Twenty years of social dimension in the Bologna Process: the state of the art and the future

More information you can find on the website of the  European University Association.