25 Mar 2020, 16:41

The project office of Lviv Polytechnic National University has prepared a video outlining the main projects it can consult on and services to assist academic staff of Lviv Polytechnic.
The project office consults on:
- international projects (Horizon 2020, CRDF, Erasmus Plus, NATO, NAWA, EU and national grants);
- All-Ukrainian projects (Grants of the President of Ukraine, State Budget Research Projects, Young Scientists Grants);
- commercial projects (SME-tools, grant funds).
Additional services of the Project Office:
- commercialization of scientific and technical projects and other developments;
- protection of intellectual property;
- business plan development; proofreading of proposals and grant applications;
- finding partners for creating the consortium;
- finding the best-suited programs and calls for project submission;
- assistance in checking the compliance of project applications to the requirements of the grant proposal call;
- performing an audit of project applications and projects during, while implementing and after completion of the project.