Startup DRINMIX – a robot bartender – was developed at Lviv Polytechnic National University. It mixes up the most delicious cocktail and makes you think the future is here.
The students who came up with DRINMIX realized that the concept of a regular bar is outdated, and customers are bored just drinking and listening to music. Thus they had the idea of a new development – for staff assistance and guests’ comfort. I suppose, it will be hard not to walks into the bar where such a barista works.
Now the team is looking for materials to create a robot and is preparing to involve a designer. After a successful launch in Ukraine they plan to enter a market of Europe and North America.
Let us remind that in the autumn Lviv Polytechnic signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Chernovetskyi Investment Group and became the third university of the CIG R&D Lab scholarship program. It supports students who are ready to work to achieve their goal and, in the finale, identifies winners who will receive grants to develop their projects.