It is promising and prestigious. Articles in international journals open the door to the world of further research. Ivan Demydov, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research at Lviv Polytechnic, tells us more.
– When did the scientific publications of Lviv Polytechnic start being indexed in international scientometric databases? In particular in Scopus and Web of Science?
– Since 2012 three of our periodicals has been indexed in international scientometric databases: Chemistry and Chemical Technology (Scopus / Web of Science), Mathematical Modeling and Computing (Scopus) and Geodynamics (Web of Science). And a year earlier, several series of Visnyk of Lviv Polytechnic National University began to be indexed in such international scientometric database as Index Copernicus.
– What conditions must be fulfilled to get into the international scientometric database?
– The final list of conditions, required for the publication participation in any of the international scientometric databases, is determined by the so-called Evaluation Board, the organization that administers the database.
– Why is it important for researchers to be indexed by these scientometric databases?
– Indexation of works in international scientometric databases shows you are involved in science. This is an independent and international recognition of achievements. You may disagree with this, but such a position is usually counterproductive in the academic community. The lack of understanding is one of the reasons of the wary attitude of the post-Soviet researchers, but since then much has changed and over the past decade Ukraine has actually built a new system that is part of the world’s open science.
Thus, the conclusion is that only recognized scientific results can serve as a basis for submitting a resume in the search for a scientific team, writing and successfully winning grants from world foundations or building an academic career. Only truly significant results, which are independently reviewed, are recognized. This is a kind of analogue of the anti-corruption movement, but in science.
The editors of the Lviv Polytechnic journals carefully prepare to submit an application for assessment to a particular international scientometric database. Excessive haste is harmful, because you can re-apply only in 1–2 years.