On July 23, Yurii Bobalo – Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Chairman of the Board of Rectors of Lviv Region – celebrates his 75th anniversary.
The importance of Yurii Bobalo’s personal contribution to the development of Ukrainian education is evidenced by numerous state awards, including the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of 3rd, 4th and 5th class, the Order of Merit of the 3rd class, the honorary title «Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine» as well as the awards of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and other Ministries and Institutions. He was awarded the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa of Wrocław University of Science and Technology and Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas.
Yurii Bobalo is a member of the National Council for Science & Technology Development, a longtime member of the Collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. He worked as a Chairman of the Electronics, Radio Engineering and Telecommunications Section of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and is a Chairman of Specialized Scientific Council. Polytechnic Rector is a well-known specialist in the field of Radio Electronics, the author of more than 350 scientific and education works.
Among the many achievements of Rector of our University, one of the most important is raising the prestige of Lviv Polytechnic. The results of the university staff activities headed by Yurii Bobalo are evidenced by the high positions of Polytechnic in national and international rankings. Our higher education institution is in the top five Ukrainian universities.
Over the past few years, Polytechnic established lots of research centers, which opened our University for further cooperation with leading national and international companies. Among the latest there are educational and scientific laboratories created with the assistance of Siemens AG, ABB, Schneider Electric, EPAM Systems, Sigma Softwear, GlobalLogic and SoftServe.
Yurii Bobalo pays great attention to the development of scientific infrastructure at the University: Polytechnic publishes 34 scientific periodicals, 3 of which are included in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science.
A system of support for the most effective scientific schools has been developed. Grant financing of scientific and technical projects contributes to the deepening of integration of scientific and technical activities. Polytechnic has been actively developing the following scientific directions: nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, new materials and production technologies; energy and resource saving technologies; advanced computer systems and information technologies; mechanical engineering and measuring devices; architecture; geodetic monitoring and refractometry and many others.
The Head of Polytechnic pays a lot of attention to the organization of the events aimed at promoting our University in the sphere of Education and Science both in Ukraine and abroad, as well as at strengthening its brand. The development of international cooperation is one of the priorities for Rector Yurii Bobalo. Among Lviv Polytechnic partners there are universities and research centers in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. More than 200 cooperation agreements have been signed to develop cooperation with more than 30 countries in Europe, America and Asia. University researchers have been cooperating with companies from the USA, Austria, Holland, Israel, Spain, Italy, Canada, China, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, France, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden and Japan.
Patriotism, professionalism, decency and humanity are distinguishing traits of Rector of Lviv Polytechnic. This is what formed the undisputed authority of Yurii Bobalo in the many-thousand-team. Impartiality in difficult situations, demanding and punctual tasks, willingness to make changes and to support good initiatives – these are Yurii Bobalo’s principles, which are the key to high results of Lviv Polytechnic.