On November 15, 2018, for the first time the Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education of Lviv Polytechnic National University organized advanced training courses Certification of Energy Efficiency in Buildings. A few days ago there was a graduation of specialists of this extremely important sphere. After all, this type of energy audit allows analyzing information on the actual and design characteristics of various engineering systems, assessing the compliance of the calculated energy efficiency of buildings according to the minimum requirements, as well as submitting technical and economically sound recommendations for improving this work, and so on. Finally, this is an important strategic component in establishing energy independence of Ukraine.
The chairman of the Certification Committee, Vice-Rector for Training and Production of University Volodymyr Kraiovskyi, Head of the Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation of the Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering Vasyl Zhelykh and Director of the Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education Viktor Yaskov congratulated Energy Efficiency Auditors on the completion of their training, emphasizing that such courses, operating in Lviv Polytechnic, are the only ones in the territory of Western Ukraine.
The qualification certificates were given to nine graduates representing different regions of Ukraine – Lviv region, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk region and Volyn.