The second online meeting was held at the University on April 7. Rector, Vice-Rectors, Directors of Institutes and Heads of Departments took part in the meeting. We have traditionally used the Microsoft Teams platform for videoconferencing under an agreement with Microsoft.
Each of Vice-Rectors had speech for several minutes. In particular, First Vice-Rector Oleh Matviikiv emphasized the importance of work of academic staff in the Virtual Learning Environment and called on the Heads of the Departments to provide assistance to older workers who have difficulties using distance technologies.
Vice-Rector for Strategic Development Liliia Zhuk told about the algorithm of actions for those workers whose contract is expiring.
Vice-Rector for Graduate Education Oleh Davydchak focused on establishing contacts with students and informing them properly about the educational process. To his opinion, in today’s conditions the connection between the student and the teacher must be closer than usual. Nataliia Chukhrai, Vice-Rector for International Relations, expressed the same opinion with regard to the University foreign students and interns.
Roman Korzh, Vice-Rector for Education and Social Development, raised the issue of student internship. The speaker said that students who would not be able to undergo their internship at the enterprises will be provided with such an opportunity at the Departments.
In addition, a number of other issues were discussed at the meeting. At the end of the meeting Rector assured that despite the fact we are going through a difficult time, there is no need to panic – all processes planned in Lviv Polytechnic will be carried out.