Ukrainians got seriously engaged in self-education and much-needed disciplines. Free access to high-quality content that became open to public during the pandemic and the mass transition to online learning have strengthened Ukraine’s position in the world ranking of competencies.
Recently educational platform Coursera published the annual analytical report Global Skill Index 2020. It demonstrates the level of specialists’ qualification in different countries around the world. Coursera analysts analyzed the study results of 65 million students from 60 countries who took the courses on the platform over the past 12 months.
Data were collected in 11 fields of study in business, technology and data science. Ukraine entered the top five in Technology, behind Russia, Belarus and Switzerland.
It seems that the previously announced intentions of the state to increase the number of qualified specialists in the IT field are beginning to take shape. However, so far, mostly due to the efforts of Ukrainians themselves.
It would be fair to say that the state is also taking some steps towards the IT industry, which faces acute staffing shortage. For example, this year the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine took the initiative to support students who chose specialties in the field of information technology.
The state order for the 2020–2021 academic year in these areas has increased by about 30%. This means that the number of young people who study in higher education institutions on government-funded places may increase by a third.
Full text (ua) – Нові ініціативи в українській IT-освіті: Чи зашкодить кількість якості? on the NV website.