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International Cooperation: Canada

In 2019, the Ukrainian-Canadian partnership cooperation in the field of Social Work and Social Work professional education celebrated its jubilee. Thus, on October 24-29, 2019, Lviv Polytechnic National University hosted the International scientific and practical conference “Partnerships for Social Change: 20 Years of Experience”, devoted to the 20th anniversary of Canada-Ukraine “Reforming Social Services” Project (1999-2003), implemented based on Lviv Polytechnic in cooperation with the University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Canada), funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The Project uniqueness factors were summarized, including the student-centered education program (interactive training, professional education in the context of social development, addressing labor market needs in Ukraine, etc.); a significant part of field instruction hours, i.e., the program close to a dual one; and the program international dimension. The conference summarized the long-term and fruitful Ukrainian-Canadian partnership cooperation, its effectiveness and development prospects.

As a result of the successful Ukrainian-Canadian partnership cooperation, the constant participants of Canada-Ukraine “Reforming Social Services” Project were presented with honorary awards:

  • Dr. Brad McKenzie, Professor Emeritus of the University of Manitoba, Doctor Honoris Causa of Lviv Polytechnic National University,  was presented with the medal “HRYHORII SKOVORODA” of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, awarded to eminent educators of foreign countries for significant achievements in educational science, and outstanding personal contribution to the development of Ukrainian education;
  • Dr. Maureen Flaherty, Acting Director of the Centre for Ukrainian Canadian Studies, Associate Professor of the University of Manitoba, was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the National Academy of Educational Sciences for outstanding personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and scientific personnel on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Canada-Ukraine “Reforming Social Services” Project;
  • Dr. Nina Hayduk, Director of International “INTEGRATION” Centre for Professional Partnerships of Lviv Polytechnic National University, was presented with the medal “USHYNSKYI, K.D.” of the National Academy of Educational Sciences, awarded for significant achievements in educational science, and personal contribution to the development of Ukrainian education;
  • Dr. Liliia Klos, Head of the Department of Sociology and Social Work, was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the National Academy of Educational Sciences for outstanding personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and scientific personnel on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Canada-Ukraine “Reforming Social Services” Project.  

Scientific internships of Ph.D. students of the Department of Sociology and Social Work of Lviv Polytechnic National University at the University of Manitoba have already become the permanent component & tradition of the Ukrainian-Canadian partnership cooperation:

  • In the spring semester 2020, Mariana Hasiak,  a PhD student of the Department of Sociology and Social Work, completed her scientific internship (the  PhD thesis topic is: “The Development of Inclusive Academic Environment for War Veterans in Higher Education”), – Scientific co-advisors: Dr. Nina Hayduk (Ukraine), & Dr. Maureen Flaherty (Canada);
  • In the fall semester 2017, at the University of Manitoba supervisory activity was investigated by Sofiya Stavkova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Sociology and Social Work (the topic of her thesis for the degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - the Ph.D. equivalent is: “Continuing Professional Training of Social Workers for Supervisory Activity in Canada”), – Scientific advisor: Dr. Nina Hayduk;

In the spring semester 2015, Ivanna Deka, Lecturer of the Department of Sociology and Social Work, completed her scientific internship (the topic of her thesis for the degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - the Ph.D. equivalent is: “Professional Training of Future Occupational Therapists at Canadian Universities”), – Scientific advisor: Dr. Nina Hayduk.

The long-term Ukrainian-Canadian partnership cooperation has been successfully developing (specifically since the completion of the funding of the Reforming Social Services Canada-Ukraine Project) mostly due to the personal support as being rendered on ongoing basis by Dr. Brad McKenzie, Professor of the University of Manitoba, Director of the Reforming Social Services Canada-Ukraine Project, Doctor Honoris Causa of Lviv Polytechnic National University, now Professor Emeritus of the University of Manitoba, and his commitment to the development of the Social Work profession in Ukraine. 

The partnership cooperation of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lviv Polytechnic National University with the Faculty of Social Work of the University of Manitoba and Canadian governmental and nongovernmental social organizations is a huge resource for further development of the professional and scientific potential of the teaching personnel, doctoral, graduate and undergraduate students. In the context of Ukraine entering the world-wide educational space, further development of Canada-Ukraine partnership cooperation is of key importance.

The development of the «university — community» system of social work education within Canada — Ukraine partnership interaction (since 1994)

Cooperation stage


Results achieved

The IHSS Departments involved

Canadian partners


Raising the level of the community awareness about Social Work – a new profession in Ukraine 


(1994 – 1999)

  • The Canadian side lobbying Canadian-Ukrainian social initiatives and mini-projects in the city of Lviv and the region 
  • Assessment of needs of the development of the sphere of social services in Lviv and the region
  • The establishment of Students’ Peer Counselling Services at Lviv Polytechnic, for the first time in Ukraine
  • Organizing and holding the International research and practical conference of paraprofessionals in Social Work at Lviv Polytechnic (June 1999)
  • The development of the proposal of the Reforming Social Services Canada-Ukraine Project, with Lviv Polytechnic representatives involved, and submitting the Project proposal to Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)




Department of Foreign Languages

The Ukrainian community of the city of Winnipeg


Addictions Foundation of Manitoba (AFM)


The Faculty of Social Work of the University of Manitoba





The implementation

of the international Reforming Social Services







The promotion of the development of

a network of social service agencies in the city of Lviv and the region:



Providing Social

Work students with field placement sites, and Social Work graduates – with places of employment









  • The first cohort of Social Work students in Sociology is enrolled.
  • The Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program in Sociology is licensed. 
  • Instructors to teach professional Social Work courses at Lviv Polytechnic are trained: The two instructors successfully completed the two-year Master of Social Work (MSW) program at the University of Manitoba, and the other two - at National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”.   
  • The Department of Sociology and Social Work is founded, with the new Department established at the Lviv Polytechnic academic building, newly restored and made accessible (2001).
  • The Resource Centre/ Library and Computer Laboratory are established and equipped in the premises of the newly established Department of Sociology and Social Work.
  • The network of field placement sites for Social Work students embracing over 30 social service agencies in the city of Lviv is developed.
  • The modular Professional Development program for agency site supervisors of Social Work students is developed and provided for all site-supervisors. 
  • The complex of teaching and methodical support of professional Social Work courses, including manuals for agency site-supervisors, is developed.
  • The Advisory Committee of the Social Work Program consisting of representatives of social service agencies - placement sites for Social Work students is created.
  • The representative of the Department of Sociology and Social Work participated in the discussion of the Draft of the Global Standards for the Education and Training of the Social Work Profession at the Conference of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) and the International Federation of Social Work (IFSW) (Montpelier, France, 2002).  
  • The model of Social Work education at Lviv Polytechnic National University is created.
  • The two international scientific and practical conferences “Reforming Social Services in Ukraine” (2002) and “Models of Social Work Education” (2003) were held at Lviv Polytechnic, with the model of Social Work education created at Lviv Polytechnic presented there and recommended for application in the process of the development of Ukrainian national Social Work education standards.  
  • The program of student exchange between the University of Manitoba and Lviv Polytechnic is launched, with ten BSW students having successfully completed their semester program at the UofM in different years.
  • The Bachelor Social work program in Sociology is accredited. 
  • The first BSW graduation took place (June 2003).
  • Following the pattern of the BSW program, the Bachelor of Sociology program is created.


Department of Psychology, Pedagogics and Social Management





Department of Sociology and Social Work








Department of Sociology and Social Work


The Faculty of Social Work of the University of Manitoba



Canadian Centre on Disability Studies (CCDS)



The Ukrainian community of the city of Winnipeg



The Faculty of Social Work of the University of Manitoba



Canadian Centre on Disability Studies (CCDS)









The Ukrainian community of the city of Winnipeg






Further development of

the Social Work & Sociology Programs 


(since 2004)






Further consolidation of the connections of the Department of Sociology and Social Work with

the community of the city of Lviv and the region, and

with leading universities of Ukraine




Further development of international

partnership cooperation


  • Based on the licensing and accreditation, the degree vertical “Bachelor-Master-Doctor of Philosophy” is created both in Social Work and Sociology.
  • The specializations of “Social Technologies” and “Social Administration” are introduced within the MSW program.    
  • The International “Integration” Centre for Professional Partnerships and its subdivision “No Limits” Accessibility Services are established at Lviv Polytechnic.
  • International scientific and practical conferences are held, including those organized in joint effort of the Ukrainian, Canadian and German partners, e.g., “From the conflict to understanding: The theory and practice of the civil society (June 2007).
  • Joint Canadian-Ukrainian publications are produced.
  • Based on the results of the monitoring done by CIDA, the Social Work Program at Lviv Polytechnic is recognized as successful. 
  • Due to students' innovative, community-based social projects / services students’ self-government is developed.
  • Students carry out scientific research at the request of Lviv City Council and other organizations.
  • Three MSW students are awarded the 1st degree Diploma of the All-Ukrainian Student Research Contest.
  • The student exchange program is being successfully implemented between Lviv Polytechnic National University and the University of Manitoba:
  • at Lviv Polytechnic, fifteen Canadian students have successfully completed a semester exchange program (including the program in Ukrainian as a foreign language), with two students having done their academic year exchange program;
  • at the UofM, six graduates of the Social Work Program of Lviv Polytechnic have successfully completed/ are completing their MSW programs; one graduate has successfully defended his PhD thesis in Social Work. 


Department of Sociology and Social Work



Department of the Ukrainian Language



Department of History of Ukraine and Ethnic Communication

The Faculty of Social Work of the University of Manitoba





Canadian Centre on Disability Studies (CCDS)







The Ukrainian community of the city of Winnipeg








Last update: 4 years 7 months ago