Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Scientific Activity of the Department of Urban Planning and Design

The Department successfully develops a fundamental scientific school of urban studies (headed by Prof. Halyna Petryshyn), which resulted in numerous publications of the international and Ukrainian level. The scientific and practical direction of the department activity - "Planning and reconstruction of cities and territories" - is realized in research works:

Research project from the Polish Ministry of Science «Budowa tożsamości Szczecina w oparciu o wykorzystanie kulturowych wartości krajobrazu nadrzecznego miasta», Head – prof. Petryshyn H.P. (Nr projektu N527 273237), (2009-2011);

International research project «The memory of vanished population groups in today´s East- and Central European urban environments. Memory treatment and urban planning in Lviv, Cernivci, Chisinau and Wroclaw», participant - prof. Petryshyn H.P. (Nr P10-0158:1, Centrum för Europaforskning Lunds universitet, Sweden) (2010-2013);

"Methodological bases of development and reconstruction of the network of settlements and selected cities in modern economic conditions "(2012-2017), scientific supervisor - prof., PhD Petryshyn H.P. (State registration number 0113 U005280);

"Development of recreation in the Ukrainian Carpathians" (2012-2017), scientific supervisor - Associate Professor, Dr. Hab. Shulha G.M. (State registration number 0113 U005277);

"Planning and reconstruction of territories of cities in the conditions of social transformations" (2012-2017), scientific supervisor - Associate Professor, Ph.D. Sosnova N.S. (State registration number 0113 U005276).

"Methodological bases of development and reconstruction of the network of settlements and selected cities", scientific supervisor - prof., PhD Petryshyn H.P. (State registration number 0118U007054), (from 2018).

In the research work of the department the following topics are being worked out for Lviv and the Western region:

  • about the dynamic nature of the city-planning system and the processes of self-organization in the city-planning system;
  • about genesis and problems of spatial development of Lviv and other cities of the region;
  • about problems of urban development of small cities;
  • about the role of tourist logistics in the formation and development of the territorial organization of tourism and many other issues relevant for the present.

The results of the scientific activity of the department were embodied in the preparation and publication of the tutorials, recommended by the scientific and methodical council of the Lviv Polytechnic National University for the edition for students of the direction of preparation 191 "Architecture and Urban Planning":

Urban Planning / edited by Halyna Petryshyn, Bohdan Posatskyi, Yuliya Idak. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, Part I: The city as an object of design: tutorial. – 2016. - 328 pp.;

Urban Planning / edited by Halyna Petryshyn, Bohdan Posatskyi, Yuliya Idak.  Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, Part 2: Designing structural elements of the city: tutorial. - 2017. - 266 pp.

The Department successfully conducts international scientific events, in particular:

International conference "VIENNA'LVIV Urban studies and architectural tendencies", Lviv, November 19, 2015 to the 20th anniversary of academic cooperation;

International round table "Ways of solving transport problems in the historic part of Lviv" , Lviv, December 16, 2015;

International Scientific and Practical Symposium "Arnold Rering - Art and Nature in the Urban Development of Lviv", Lviv, May 19-21, 2016.

Scientific conference "City studies: formation of scientific direction" within the framework of scientific activities of the Institute of Architecture of Lviv Polytechnic National University and the Architectural and Urban Planning Commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society on the occasion of the anniversary of Professor Petryshyn Halyna Petrivna. Lviv, 27.04.2017;

International scientific-practical conference: "City space - vectors of development", dedicated to the 75th birth anniversary of Professor Bohdan Posatskyi", June 23, 2017.

Last update: 5 years 7 months ago