Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Student Life of the Department

Students-architects are marked by their creativity and ideology. Our institute is delighted to welcome talents and offers all the opportunities for students to discover.

Students-architects are marked by their creativity and ideology. Our institute is delighted to welcome talents and offers all the opportunities for students to discover.

Lviv is a youth and creative city. Various art cafes, creative communities, cinemas, clubs, the atmosphere that rages around inspires creativity.

A number of organizations are actively working in Lviv Polytechnic, and our students can join them, among them:

  • The Collegium and the Bureau of Students and Postgraduates of the Institute of Architecture (IArch) are an organization that covers all areas of student life and protects students' rights. The chairman of the IArch trade union is Danylo Plesnytskyi.
  • BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) is an international organization aimed at developing students. Carries out international exchanges, engineering competitions and career fairs.
  • YAC (Young Architects Club) is a club of architects in Lviv, which organizes meetings of students - architects in an informal environment with industry professionals.
  • Youth Section of  the Union of Architects of Ukraine. President – Bohdan Hoy.

If you are active and want to show your talents not only in your studies, take part in the following activities:

  • Spring of Polytechnics - Annual Festival - Talent Competition;
  • Kinopixel - festival of amateur short films;
  • Flash - Student Photography Festival;
  • Autumn Polytechnic - annual KVN - festival;
  • Competition of Bachelor Diploma projects “Tower”.

The projects of the Institute are coordinated by the IArch board and trade union bureau.

Students - members of the union can take advantage of discounts for rest and recreation at the bases of Lviv Polytechnic in the village Slavsko (winter) and Koblevo (summer). Applications are accepted 3 weeks prior to arrival. The arrival time and the cost of the trip are updated.

Orphaned students, young families and students from low-income families can take advantage of annual one-time help.

Last update: 5 years 5 months ago