In 1956 engineers’ training of the aerophotogeodesy major was founded in Lviv Polytechic National University (this was the previous name of the Photogrammetry major). The first admission of students included 25 people, and the training itself was led at the Engineer Geodesy Department. In 1963 the Aerophotogeodesy Department was opened in Lviv Polytechnic University, and it became the graduate department of the corresponding major. Assistant professor O. Lysychanskyi
Since 1989 the Department was headed by professor O. Dorozhynskyi.
In 2003 it was named as the Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics Department. It is a graduate department of two majors — Photogrammetry and Distance Sondage and Geoinformatics Systems and Technologies (since 1992).
Over the time passed the Department trained approximately 800 specialists and masters, as well as military experts of the photogrammetry major. The department also trained the high-quality and high-capacity staff — 7 doctoral and 50 Ph. D. theses were defended. The department staff includes professors Ch. Burshtynska, V. Glotov, Ph.D. O. Ivanchuk, Yu. Shkurchenko, S. Kolb, M. Protsyk. The doctoral and postgraduate studies function here as well.
The Department lecturers published 5 textbooks, 12 manuals, 10 science studies and more than 2000reasearch papers.
Collaborating with the Central and Western Europe Universities, the department leads the vigorous international activity, exchanges lecturers, holds the international conference ’Land-survey, photogrammetry and geoinformatics — the current condition and development prospects’ (biannually).
The Department possesses the modern study laboratories, which provide the high level of training of the photogrammetry and geoinformatics specialists.