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"Visiting professor" Program

Visiting Professor Program

Lviv Polytechnic National University announces a competition for foreign specialists to participate in the Visiting professorprogram.

Specialists in education or science or experts in a particular professional field are invited. Visiting professors are invited for a period of at least 90 days, to work 60 academic hours in the following activities: teaching disciplines, training, participation in research work of the university, acquaintance of research and teaching staff with the latest teaching methods and research. To participate in the competition, you must fill out an online application form and submit an application by October 31, 2020. The selection results will be posted on the university website on December 10, 2020, after which the winners must submit a package of necessary documents to the CIE.


Contact person: Barvinska Khrystyna, mobile phone 0672532920, e-mail visiting.professor@lpnu.ua

"Visiting professor" is a specialist in the field of education or science or an expert in a particular field of professional activity, who is on a visit to the partner University and carries out educational or research activities. The program allows to attract for temporary teaching or research activities not only specialists from other higher education institutions of the national level, but also specialists from other countries who have significant scientific authority. Such cooperation is associated with the implementation of a specific work program within the educational workload of the department and can last from several months to a year.

Tasks of the “Visiting Professor” Program:

  • improving the quality of educational activities by involving leading Ukrainian and foreign specialists in lectures and research;
  • development of academic mobility and cooperation with universities of Ukraine and foreign universities;
  • acquaintance of students and employees of the University with the results of advanced scientific research and modern technologies.


The main activities of the Visiting Professor Program are:

  1. Educational activities:
  • conducting training sessions on specific disciplines of a certain educational program for applicants for higher education and students of advanced training courses;
  • management of qualification and course works (projects) of applicants for higher education;
  • preparation of project documentation for the University's participation in national and international competitions for educational and research grants;
  • conducting seminars, trainings, master classes, etc.
  1.  Research activities:


  • participation in the implementation of research projects of the University;
  • advising scientific, pedagogical and research staff of the University on new methods and technologies of scientific research;
  • preparation of project documentation for the University's participation in national and international competitions for educational and research grants;
  • conducting joint research, etc.

          Upon completion of participation in the Program, the participant receives a certificate of "Lviv Polytechnic".

Requirements for applicants for participation in the program Visiting professor

A visiting professor can be a person who has the appropriate scientific degree (academic title) or significant achievements in a particular professional field. The decision on recognition of the applicant as a participant of the VP Program is made taking into account the information on:


  • published works of the applicant and the level of their citation (Hirsch index);
  • participation in research work (number of projects, patents);
  • membership in international professional or scientific communities;
  • published textbooks, manuals, other methodical materials;
  • unique knowledge and experience in a certain field of professional activity.


Documents required to participate in the competition of the program “Visiting professor”

Applicants for participation in the Visiting Professor Program must send the following documents to the e-mail address of the Center for International Education of Lviv Polytechnic (visiting.professor@lpnu.ua) by October 31 of each year to participate in the competition (sample documents in attached files):


  • application for participation in the VP Program;
  • completed application form;
  • copies of diplomas on the academic title and scientific degree of the applicant with translation into Ukrainian (if available);
  • a summary in EuroPass (https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/documents/curriculum-vitae);
  • annotations of programs of academic disciplines that the applicant has taught during the last 5 years (if any);
  • list of main scientific articles, monographs, patents of the applicant for the last 5 years;
  • list of own achievements in the professional sphere.
    Last update: 4 years 8 months ago