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Project Partners

Partners of the Lviv Polytechnic National University in the implementation of the project - universities from the member states of the «Visegrad Group».


Name of the organization in its native language: Instytut Nauk Politycznych, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie (INP UWM) Інститут політичних наук Вармінсько-Мазурського університету в Ольштині (Польща)

Name of the organization in English: The Institute of Political Science, The University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (IPS UWM)

Address: ul. ks. Feliksa Szrajbera, 11, Olsztyn, 10-007, Poland, Olsztyn, 10-007, Poland


Statutory representative: dr hab. Teresa Astramowicz-Leyk, member of Academic board of the Institute

Organization ID No.: NIP 739-30-33-097; REGON 510884205

Registered VAT payer: no

VAT Compensation: no

Phone: +48895246366


E-mail: inp@uwm.edu.pl

Website: http://www.uwm.edu.pl/inp

Role of the partner:

Previous cooperation with project partner: This University is our strategic partner during five years. In cooperation with UWM we organise scientific conferences (Polsko-Ukraińskie Forum Naukowe – 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018), public collective scientific works (monographies and articles). Scholars from actively analise ethnic problems in polish-ukrainian relations. Constantly scholars from our Lviv Polytechnic National University university are undertaking scientific interships at the Institute of Political Science of the the University of Warmia and Mazury


Name of the organization in its native language: Institut mezinárodních studií, Fakulta sociálních věd, Univerzita Karlova v Praze Інститут міжнародних досліджень Факультету соціальних наук Карлового університету в Празі (Чеська Республіка)

Name of the organization in English: Institute Of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (IIS FSV UK)

Address: U kříže 8/661 , Praque, 10-007, Czech Republic

Czech Republic

Statutory representative: Ondřej Klípa, Ph. D. Assistant Professor

Organization ID No.: IČ: 00216208 DIČ: CZ00216208

Registered VAT payer: no

VAT Compensation: no

Phone: +48895246366


E-mail: ims@fsv.cuni.cz

Website: http://ims.fsv.cuni.cz/

Role of the partner:

Previous cooperation with project partner: Previous cooperation with project partner: Justification of involvement: This University is our strategic partner during a year. We participate in a scientific cooperation in the fields of ethnic problems and international relations.


Name of the organization in its native language: Modern Filológiai és Társadalomtudományi Karán, Pannon Egyetem

Name of the organization in English: Faculty of Modern Philology and Social Sciences, The University of Pannonia

Факультету сучасної філології і соціальних наук Університету Паннонії (Веспрем, Угорщина)

Address: Egyetem u. 10, Veszprém, 8200,, Hungary


Statutory representative: Dr. János Géczi, head Institute Of Philosophy, History And Anthropology, vice dean for strategy

Organization ID No.: Adószám: 15308816-2-19

Registered VAT payer: no

VAT Compensation: no

Phone: 88/624-005


E-mail: mftkdekani@mftk.uni-pannon.hu

Website: http://eng.mftk.uni-pannon.hu/

Role of the partner:

Previous cooperation with project partner: We have a mutual interest in implementation of common scientific and research projects in the field of national minority rights.

Last update: 5 years 8 months ago