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Research at the Department

Science is an important component of the Department of Political Science and International Relations. The faculty conducts research in the important scientific field of Transformation Peculiarities of Political Institutions and Processes in National and Global Dimensions.

Scientific research areas:

  • political science aspects of state development: internal and external dimensions;
  • problems of history and theory of political science, the Ukrainian state-building, the electoral process and formation of political culture of a society;
  • urgent problems of international relations and foreign policy of Ukraine and of other states;
  • regional studies and transnational cooperation issues;
  • integration processes in Europe and in the world;
  • modern aspects of diplomatic and consular service.

Prof. Yaryna Turchyn is a member of the Scientific Council, a chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences, a scientific advisor to those studying for a doctoral or Ph.D. degree at the department.

Scientific activity at the department foresees the following:

  • organizing and conducting scientific conferences and "round tables" of both national and international level and publication of the materials. Over the past three years more than ten conferences have been organized, including the International Scientific Conference "International Integration process: Historical Experience, Current Challenges and Prospects" (23-24 April, 2015), Regional Scientific Conference "Step by Step to the Goal: Success Strategy for Ukraine "(21 October, 2014),  Regional Academic and Research Conference "Decentralization of Power in Ukraine: Options, Possibilities, Consequences" (21 May, 2014); Regional Scientific Conference "Europeanisation without Europe: Assessment of Opportunities and Threats for Ukraine" (12 December, 2013); Round Table "The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU: Challenges and Prospects" (15 November, 2013) and others.
  • publication of monographs on the basis of research carried out (Monographs of Prof. Yaryna Turchyn, Doctor of Political Science Halyna Lutsyshyn and Associate Prof. Mykola Buchyn have been published over the last years).
  • scientific papers redaction in the collection of research publications “Ukrainian national idea: realia and development prospects”, which is a specialized publication regarding political science (science editor - Dr.sc.pol, Prof Turchyn Y. B., publications assistant – senior lecturer Buchyn M. A.). 26 issues of research papers collection are already published. In 2014 new scientific publication is started – international academic journal “Humanitarian vision”.
  • conducting research on political issues and contemporary international relations problems in the course of political research center “Vector”, which functions within Department of Political Science and International Relations. Research is aimed at public opinion survey and monitoring for Ukrainian and foreign media regarding contemporary international relations problems and reading of the current political situation in Ukraine and abroad.
  • training of faculty members in particular graduate assistants are engaged in research by occupation 23.00.02 “Political institutions and processes”. Today four students are studying for their Ph.D., advised by Dr.sc.pol, Prof Turchyn Y. B., Ph.D. in Political Science, A.P. Dorosh L. O., Ph.D. in Political Science, A.P. Buchyn M. A.
  • visiting professorship in Ukrainian academic institutions and abroad, carrying out scientific cooperation with foreign academic structures, particularly, with Vilnius University, The East European State Higher School in Przemyśl (Poland) and others.
  • master’s and Doctoral dissertations review by faculty lecturers, official opponency of master’s and doctoral dissertations (Dr.sc.pol, Prof Turchyn Y. B., Ph.D. in Political Science, A.P. Lutsyshyn G. I., Ph.D. in Political Science, A.P. Dorosh L. O. and others)
  • holding lecturers scientific workshops of Department of Political Science and International Relations.
  • faculty lecturers are regular participants in TV programmes and radio shows with scientific analysis of current political issues. For instance,  A.P. Buchyn M. A., Gorbach O. N., Tyschkun Y. Y., Demchyschak R. B., senior lecturer Pasichnyi R.Y. took part in TV series “In the spotlight” and regularly comment in 2 channel “Regional News” and “round tables” concerning current political issues.

Students’ involvement in the performance of scientific work of Department of Political Science and International Relations.

Last update: 5 years 8 months ago