Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Ensuring Technological Strength of Welded Joints with Armored Steel of ARMSTAL 500-Type

Using new high-strength structural steel of Armstal 500-type determines the necessity of provision of a given technological and operational strength of welded joints.
The use of specially developed technological performance techniques of welded joints and the use of suitable welding materials enables maximally fix problems of balance strengthen conditions, crack resistance and establishing the parameters of thermal processing. During that time the resulted welded joints provide the required strength characteristics during the performance as well as during the operation of construction.

Основні переваги: 

energy-saving of the technological process;

strengthen balance of the welded joints;

reducing the cost of construction production.

Вирішує проблеми: 

ensuring the strength of welded joints.


development of welding technology of butt, corner and T-welded joints steel (Armstal 500-type) of different thicknesses.

Керівник наукової розробки: 
PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor Andrii Dziubyk
Тематика розробки: 
Галузеве машинобудування
Сфера застосування: 
оборонна галузь
defense sector
продаж технології
sale of the technology