Prof. Anatoliy Melnyk, Doctor of Engineering
Номер(и) телефону:
+38 (032) 258-24-57
aomelnyk [at]
Research and development areas:
- development of theory and design of high-performance processors of parallel architecture;
- research of technologies for energy efficient FPGA-based processors of computer and cyber-physical systems;
- development of theory and design of parallel conflict-free access computer memory;
- development of methods and tools for FPGA-based self-configurable high-performance computer systems design;
- multilayer cyber-physical system architecture;
- research of user-cyber-physical system interaction technology;
- research of intellectualization and decision-making technologies for cyber-physical systems;
- network interaction of cyber-physical system layers and cyber-physical systems interaction technology within the Internet of things;
- research and development of intelligent data acquisition technologies for autonomous cyber-physical systems;
- data processing in cyber-physical systems via network technologies;
- synthesis and optimization of the computer devices for FPGA–based hardware platforms of sensor and actuator units of cyber-physical systems;
- cryptographic processors of cyber-physical systems research and design;
- digital signal and image processing methods and tools development;
- implementation of the ensembles of intelligent autonomous units for sensor and control networks.