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History of the Department

The  AI department was formed on June 26, 2017.

The basis of the specialists’ preparation was the work of professor Yuri Nikolsky, who in 2002 developed a curriculum specialty "Systems of Artificial Intelligence", the direction "Computer Science". Since 2004, the first students entranced at the Department of Information Systems and Networks.

In October 2016, the work on updating the content of training started at the initiative of Professor of the Information Systems and Networks Department of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technology Natalia Shakhovskaya and a graduate of the Department and Solutions Lead in Softserve Ivan Zagorodniy.

During September 2017 the department's laboratories were equipped with computer technology with the support of the Lviv IT cluster.

The patrons of the department are the companies N-ix, SoftServe, Cyklum, DIYLab.com.ua

Last update: 7 years 4 months ago