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History of Theoretical Radio Engineering and Radio Measurement Department (TRERM)

The Department is founded in Lviv Polytechnic National University on the 1st of October, 1944 with an aim to train engineers in “Radio Engineering” and was named the Radio Engineering and Remote Control Department. The first Head of the Department was Sc. D., professor Kharkevych O. (then in 1964 he became a member of NAS Ukraine). In March, 1945 the Department was divided into two parts: Department of Radio Engineering and Department of Automation and Control. Assoc. Prof. Hitshov H. was acting Head of Radio Engineering Department, since June, 1946 to February, 1976 Head of the Department was Velychko Yu., who moved from senior lecturer to Sc. D., professor.
During this period the Department has changed its name twice:

  • In 1952 it was renamed into “Theoretical Radio Engineering” because of Radio Engineering Department’s foundation, at one time arose Radio Receiving Devices Department;
  • In 1960 the Department became “Theoretical Radio Engineering and Radio Measurement” because of foundation of new Radio Engineering and Automatics Faculty. Some of faculty members switched into Radio Engineering Department, Engineering and Production of Radio Department.

Since February, 1976 to February, 1986, the Department of Theoretical Radio Engineering and Radio Measurement was headed by one of Yu. Velychko’s student — Assoc. Prof., Ph. D. Manziy B.

Since February, 1986 to 1996, Assoc. Prof., Ph. D. Volochiy B. was Head of the Department. In this period of time the Department had also major Medical radio-electronic devices and systems in field “Radio-electronic devices, systems and complexes” apart the main specialty “Radio Engineering”.

Since 1996 to 2004 Head of the Department has been Sc. D., prof. Manziy B., since 2004 — Sc. D., prof. Nedostup L.
In October, 2001 the Department of Theoretical Radio Engineering and Radio Measurement has become part of newly formed Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering Institute.

Last update: 5 years 8 months ago