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History of the department of electronic devices

From September 1, 1963, according to the decision of the college of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Ukrainian SSR, the Department of Electronic Devices began to work at the Radio Engineering Faculty of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute, headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assoc. Mushkarroden EM, who was its head from 1963 to 1979. In 1969, at the department on the basis of a small group of laboratory of budget research, which was engaged in auto-emission electronics led by the head. The scientific research laboratory NDL-3 was organized by the department, Ph.D., associate professor Mushkarreden E.M. p>

The direction of work was chosen, which should lead to new design and especially technological solutions in the production of color TVs - from devices with the maximum possible screen size to miniature - for portable monitors with battery power. p>

Gradually, the subject of contract works NDL-3 increased in terms of funding, expanding the geography of orders. Teachers of the Department took an active part in the development of the laboratory laboratory base, its improvement and replenishment with a new, modern technological and measuring equipment. At the same time tangible permanent material support was received by the department from Lviv enterprises, which provided free of charge technological equipment and supplies of consumables necessary for the servicing of this equipment. Thus, for example, VO "Polaron" and VNI "Kineskop", and later "Microprilad", assisted with vacuum and measuring equipment. It should be noted that the department and its leadership in the person of doctor of technical sciences, professor Gotry Zenon Yuriyovych always very clearly and mobile responded and respond to the emergence of new promising areas of research. P>

Despite the need for substantial re-equipment of scientific laboratories and retraining of workers, a serious course was taken to develop new technologies brought with them by microelectronics. She was experiencing a period of her rapid development, exercising a genuine revolutionary influence on many related engineering and scientific fields, opening up qualitatively and quantitatively new opportunities to them. To some extent, unique for educational establishments, one can consider the fact that in the NDL-3 a fully closed cycle of hybrid thin film technology was created and equipped with complex technological equipment - from designing and manufacturing photo-origins, up to laser sealing. The existing microelectronic multivalued elements for space registration means are created. This became possible thanks to cooperation with VO "Microprylad" and with the arrival at the department Gotry Z.Yu. P>

Scientific-production complexes are being created: "Impulse" on the basis of "Microprilad" (order No. 90-10 / 544 dated July 21, 1988); "Integral" on the basis of the Research Radiotechnical Institute (CDRTI) (order number 432 of 09/5989); Complex on the basis of "Kineskop". In addition, an industry research laboratory "Laser technology of electronic devices" was organized (order number 140/737 dated April 27, 1988). The department together with the scientific departments of Lviv enterprises develops and implements the elemental base of sensor technology of the new generation. A separate, very interesting page in the life of the department and the NDL-3, research works were concluded with the Center for the Training of Cosmonauts (CPC) - 1970-1981, aimed at the creation of micropayers of color television, which were planned to be used in a long orbital flight. p>

Since 1980, the department has developed a scientific direction - the development of new types of gas lasers and the study of the possibilities of their application in biology, medicine, metrology, military affairs (the system "Glisad" of "blind" landing of planes in conditions of limited visibility, electron-optical laser guns for training in gun shooting and automatic machines), the possibility of developing laser projection systems based on speckles with computer control for television, show business, etc. was studied. Throughout its entire existence, the department considers its priority to maintain close professional relations with related departments and academic institutions not only in Ukraine but also abroad. P>

External relations also manifested themselves through the intensification of work with foreign students - representatives of Vietnam, Poland, Hungary, the Mongolian People's Republic, the Republic of Cuba, Yugoslavia, Laos, Cambodia. The department successfully develops post-graduate and doctoral studies - among those who have received a Ph.D. degree, Bobitsky Ya.V., Vlokh R.O., Goliak R. L. Vujitsk V. (Poland), Potentsky E. (Poland), Stakhir P.Ya., Kozhuhar O.T., Cherpak VV, Fechan AV, Smerklo LM, Yakubovskaya M. (Poland) , Mikityuk Z.M. It is worth noting that in September 2004, the department established close professional and scientific relations with colleagues in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Ireland. USA, France. P>

At the department in 1992, the mutual exchange for two or three weeks by groups of students of faculty departments "Electronic devices" with a department was started.

Last update: 5 years 3 months ago