Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Scientific activity of the department of electronic devices

New structures and devices of electronic technics on the basis of semiconductors, dielectric, liquid crystal materials are being developed at the department, and modifications of their parameters by laser, plasma, thermal and other methods of treatment and influence on materials are made. A scientific school under the direction of professor Z. Yu.Gotry was created with the following basic directions:

Structures and devices of organic electronics based on nanoscale materials;
electro-optical effects in liquid crystals and devices of integral optics on their basis;
modern elements, devices of high-level integration of semiconductor electronics;
biomedical electronics.
The department conducts research in the field of creation of devices of organic electronics on the basis of nanosized films of organic semiconductor materials (Stahira P.Y., Ivanyuk Kh.B., Voznyak L.Yu., Kostiv NV). Thus, for the first time, organic photosensitive structures have been formed and investigated on the basis of an organic semiconductor on flexible substrates and a complex of electrophysical investigations of their parameters has been carried out. New technological solutions for the predicted formation of heterobarriers on the basis of organic materials and inorganic semiconductors have been developed, with the aim of their further use as highly effective electrolyuminance elements. It is also looking for new and improved technologies for obtaining injection and antioxidant films based on traditional organic materials to improve the electroluminescent properties of electronic devices. In the direction of liquid crystals and devices of integral optics (Mikitjuk Z.M., Sushynsky O.E., Shymchyshyn O.Y.) the department worked out the methods for controlling the parameters: the regulation of the spiral step in the NCC due to the structure of the matrix ( the ordering of the structure is regulated by the step to increase the information capacity of the screen), memory by adjusting the size of the loop of hysteresis. For the first time a defective structure was used in nematic liquid crystals for the construction of liquid crystal displays. New materials of conductive transparent layers and materials for contact with conductive transparent films from which electrodes of the indicator are formed are worked out. The department is developing liquid crystal sensors of physical quantities and harmful substances with an optical data transmission channel. Research is being carried out towards the creation of fundamentally new information display systems based on the use of electrically controlled light scattering in RK materials in conjunction with electrochromic nanostructures. It is also explored the possibility of creating distributed backbone liquid crystal lasers. In the laser technology (Mykytiuk Z.M., Kuchma G.L.) the direction of development of small-operating technologies for the creation of integral chips of high degree of integration becomes of increasing importance. Existing laser methods only partially solve these problems, because they are used only in individual operations, which calls into question the profitability of using laser treatment. The possibilities of the complex application of the influence of laser radiation for heterojizing, annealing and diffusion of semiconductor structures are considered. It is shown that the addition of the effects of laser heterodyne and gatting with a strongly doped layer, as well as the use of the developed surface of the semiconductor, formed by the method of laser induction interference etching, increases the capacity of the heater. Recently, a number of new organic electroluminescent devices of the blue color of light on the basis of derivatives of carbazole and pyrazoline have been developed. The efficiency of using high-conductivity optically transparent semiconductor films of copper iodide as an injection layer in organic barrier photosensitive and electroluminescent structures based on pentacene and Alq3, respectively, is proposed and demonstrated. The effect of generation of electric voltage and current in diode structures based on phthalocyanines under the influence of ammonia environment was revealed. Interesting work is done in the field of solid-state electronics. They cover the entire spectrum of theoretical and practical problems associated with the creation of bipolar integrated circuits. Among the common problems is the development of an element base, circuitry, technology for manufacturing bipolar integrated circuits, modeling and CAD of solid-state devices. The direction of modern system and circuit engineering on the basis of semiconductor electronics of a high degree of integration is developing at the department (Barilo GI, Kremer IP). In accordance with the trend of electronic equipment, signal converters of intelligent sensors / Intelligent Sensors / that meet the criteria for USB plug-and-play devices and the IEEE 1451.2 standard are being developed. The new element base of the leading companies in the world, Analog Devices, Future Technology Devices International, Cypress Semiconductor, etc., has been developed. Priority is the development of high-integrated micro-voltage low-voltage devices with a minimum power consumption for portable

Last update: 5 years 9 months ago