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International economic relations

6.292.00 International economic relations
Qualification awarded : Bachelor of International Economic Relations
Entry year: 2017
Program duration: 4 years
Number of credits: 240 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: First (Bachelor) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA first Cycle
Field(s) of study: International relations
Specific admission requirements: None.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: The full implementation of the curriculum, the qualification examination, practical training and defence of bachelor qualification work.
Characteristics of the educational program:
Bachelors of specialty "International economic relations" get the necessary knowledge and practical skills for working in organizations of all forms of ownership engaged in international economic activity, international organizations, public administration and local government bodies, scientific research institutes and laboratories, consulting establishments dealing with international economic activity problems, in banks, insurance companies, investment funds, in the system of training and professional development of workers, and more. The program has four professional and education practical units: international economics, international investment and innovation activity, international economic relations in the field of media communications and IT, the economics of customs.
Gained competence:
• knowledge of the general provisions of international economics, international trade, international law;
• knowledge of objective regularities, phenomena, processes and features external economic relations;
• understanding of the theoretical principles and characteristics of international organizations, development of integration processes of transnational corporations, stages and types of international integration groupings;
• basic understanding of the concept of a European common market and the European information society;
• understanding of regularities of formation and changes of the world markets conjuncture;
• understanding of accounting features, taxation and international insurance in international investment and innovation sphere.
• ability to analyze the regulations that govern international economic activities in Ukraine and abroad;
• the ability to use professionally profiled knowledge and practical skills in basic subjects in the process of rational management decisions making in international economic activity;
• possession of methods and technologies of international transactions;
• skills in establishing communications between the participants of international economic relations;
• application of methods and technologies of enterprise resource management – the subjects of international economic relations;
• skills of analysis of international capital flows and its basic forms, major shifts in the geographic location and industrial structure of foreign investment;
• skills of innovative projects on an international scale management;
• ability to analysis and evaluation of innovative potential of the enterprise and its competitiveness on international markets;
• the ability to understand and skills of diplomatic protocol and business etiquette observing in the conduct of international negotiations;
• the ability to use information systems and technologies in the management of international economic relations;
• understanding of the importance of corporate social responsibility and consideration of factors of cultural environment of countries in international economic relations sphere;
• the ability to apply international e-commerce in the enterprises activity.
• the ability to apply scientific methods of economic analysis and forecasting of the economics of foreign countries, world prices, tariffs, investment, etc. in order to establish international cooperation.
Mode of study: part
Academic mobility: None, but mobility is encouraged and determined in accordance with ECTS procedures.
Work placement(s): Practice on the topic of bachelor qualification work.
Programme director: Bublyk Myroslava Ivanivna Professor of Management and International Business Department, Institute of Economics and Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Dr.Sc., Associate Professor (258-22-89, 8093 7292767, Myroslava.I.Bublyk@lpnu.ua)
Occupational profiles of graduates: The graduate is able to perform professional work in the following groups of occupations (according to DK 003): - managers of production and other key units; - Heads of functional divisions; - Managers of small businesses with no staff management; - Professionals in economics; - Other professionals; - Other specialists
Access to further studies: Study on the second (education and research) level of higher education "Master in International Economic Relations", certification training programs.
Other program features: The program is implemented in Ukrainian and partly in English.
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management