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Applied physics and nanomaterials

6.105.00 Applied physics and nanomaterials
Qualification awarded : Bachelor in Applied Physics
Entry year: 2016
Program duration: 4 years
Number of credits: 240 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: First (Bachelor) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA first Cycle
Field(s) of study: Natural sciences
Specific admission requirements:
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements:
Characteristics of the educational program:
Gained competence:
- basic knowledge in fundamental sciences, higher mathematics and computerization of the physics experiment and nanomaterials science;
- advanced knowledge of the physical nature of phenomena and of the physical properties of matter, in particular, micro- and nanoelectronics applied materials;
- modern ideas about the influence of external fields on processes and properties of materials, particularly in the complex systems – low-dimensional, porous and layered nanostructures;
- basic knowledge of main programming languages, numerical methods for solving research and technological problems;
- advanced concepts on the methods, means of computer software, modelling and calculation of physical properties and processes, in particular, induced effects in anisotropic materials;
- modern ideas about methods, software tools for computer design, modeling and calculation of the physical properties of materials and technological processes;
- fundamental concepts on the environmental problems of the relationship between manufacturing and nature;
- fundamental knowledge in social and economic theories.
- the ability to think logically, understand the essence of physical phenomena and to identify the main idea;
- knowledge of methods of experimental and theoretical study of physical and chemical phenomena;
- the ability to use specific knowledge and skills in applied physics and mathematics to study the physical properties and processes in micro- and nanoelectronics materials;
- the ability to ensure computerization of physics research;
- the ability to use computing technologies for physical phenomena research and their technological applications.
- the ability to analyze the results of measurement and to make a qualitative physical interpretation;
- the ability to formulate original qualitative concepts of the nature of the studied phenomena and effects, particularly, in micro- and nanoelectronics applied materials;
- the ability to apply mathematical tools for analytical and experimental study of physical phenomena;
- the ability to build efficient computational algorithms for computational problems solving in applied physics.
Mode of study: full
Academic mobility:
Work placement(s):
Programme director:
Occupational profiles of graduates:
Access to further studies:
Other program features:
Institute: Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences