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Liquid State Physics

Major: Applied physics and nanomaterials
Code of Subject: 6.105.01.E.59
Credits: 5
Department: Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Science
Lecturer: associate professor Bakhmatyuk Bogdan Petrovych
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- to know the fundamentals of the theory of phase equilibria and phase transitions, the main characteristics of the solutions and the laws that they describe, to have the basic notions about the structural features of the real with neighboring order, electrical, magnetic and optical properties of liquids, liquid crystals, polymers;
- to be able to calculate concentration of solutions, conditions of phase equilibrium in heterogeneous and homogeneous systems, to determine the thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of liquids, the presence of different phases and phase transitions in liquid crystals, to use the features of the liquid state in the study and synthesis of new materials and compounds.
Required prior and related subjects:
• General Physics,
• General chemistry.
• Solid state physics
Summary of the subject:
Molecular forces. Polarization and refraction. Phase equilibrium Teaching about solutions. One-component, two-component and multi-component systems. Viscosity of liquids. Diffusion in liquids. Electrical and magnetic properties of liquids. Liquid crystals. Solutions of polymers. Modern technology and liquid state of matter.
Recommended Books:
1. Антонченко В.Я., Давыдов А.С., Ильин В.В. Основы физики воды. К.: Наук.думка, 1991.
2. Наберухин Ю.И. Структурные модели жидкости. Новосибирск: НГУ, 1981.
3. Крокстон К. Физика жидкого состояния. Статистическое введение. М.: Мир, 1978.
4. Костржицький А.I., Калінков О.Ю, Тіщенко В.М., Берегова О.М. Фізична та колоїдна хімія. Київ, Центр учбової літератури, 2008.
5. Юхновский И.Р., Курыляк И.И. Электролиты. Киев: Наук.думка, 1988.
6. Жуховицкий А.А., Шварцман Л. А.Физическая химия: Москва: Металлургия, 1987.
7. Дамаскин Б. Б., Петрий О. А., Цирлина Г. А. Электрохимия. Москва: «Химия» «КолосС» 2006.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• protection of laboratory works, oral questioning, independent and control works (45%)
• final control (55%, control): written / oral form (55%)