Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Technical Expertise and Certification of Buildings and Structures
Major: Urban engineering and services
Code of Subject: 7.192.03.M.17
Credits: 5
Department: Building Constructions and Bridges
Lecturer: assoc. prof. Il’nytskyy Borys
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• know the purpose and objectives of the technical examination and certification of buildings and structures;
• know the procedure and requirements for technical examination and certification;
• know the methods of inspection and testing of structures;
• know the features of observation;
• know the assessment methodology for the demolition of the buildings and structures and be able to determine wear of constructions, buildings, and features;
• be able to analyze defects and evaluate the technical condition of buildings and structures;
• be able to draw up a report on the results of technical expertise and make passport of technical conditions of the building (constructions);
• be able to serve as a specialist (engineer) service supervision.
• know the procedure and requirements for technical examination and certification;
• know the methods of inspection and testing of structures;
• know the features of observation;
• know the assessment methodology for the demolition of the buildings and structures and be able to determine wear of constructions, buildings, and features;
• be able to analyze defects and evaluate the technical condition of buildings and structures;
• be able to draw up a report on the results of technical expertise and make passport of technical conditions of the building (constructions);
• be able to serve as a specialist (engineer) service supervision.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Design of the constructions of wood and plastic, metal structures, concrete and masonry structures;
• Design in seismic regions, automation of building designing;
• Technology of reconstruction and construction, repair work, the development of technologies for buildings and structures.
• Design in seismic regions, automation of building designing;
• Technology of reconstruction and construction, repair work, the development of technologies for buildings and structures.
Summary of the subject:
Expertise of project documentation. Observations of the buildings during the exploitation. Service monitoring. Reviews of buildings and features. Certification of buildings and structures. Inspection of buildings and structures for the certification. Specialized organization. Procedure of certification. Passport of technical conditions of the building. Inspection of the technical condition of buildings and structures. The purpose and objectives of the survey. Defects in building structures. Methods of survey designs. Instrumental survey software designs. Evaluation of technical state of constructions, buildings, structures. Technical expertise. Security of buildings. Quality control of building. Inspection of buildings in the acceptance and commissioning. Inspection and technical diagnosis of buildings. A survey of foundations and basements of buildings. Stone structures. Concrete structures. Metal structures. Wooden structures. Evaluation of the demolition of structures and buildings.
Recommended Books:
1. Клименко Є.В. Технічна експлуатація і реконструкція будівель та споруд - К., 2004.- 299 с;
2. Обследование и испытание зданий и сооружений: Учебн. пособие для вузов/ В.Г.Козачек, Н.В.Нечаев, С.Н. Нотенко и др.; под ред. В.И. Римшина. - М.: Высш. Шк., 2004.- 447 с;
3. Обследование и испытание сооружений: Учебн. Для вузов/ О.В.лужин, А.Б.Злачевский и др.; под ред. О.В.Лужина. - М.: Стройиздат, 1987.- 263 с;
4. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс «Технічна експертиза та паспортизація будівель і споруд», http://vns.lp.edu.ua/course view.php?id=12067, номер та дата реєстрації E41-192-21/2014 від 26.05.2014р.
2. Обследование и испытание зданий и сооружений: Учебн. пособие для вузов/ В.Г.Козачек, Н.В.Нечаев, С.Н. Нотенко и др.; под ред. В.И. Римшина. - М.: Высш. Шк., 2004.- 447 с;
3. Обследование и испытание сооружений: Учебн. Для вузов/ О.В.лужин, А.Б.Злачевский и др.; под ред. О.В.Лужина. - М.: Стройиздат, 1987.- 263 с;
4. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс «Технічна експертиза та паспортизація будівель і споруд», http://vns.lp.edu.ua/course view.php?id=12067, номер та дата реєстрації E41-192-21/2014 від 26.05.2014р.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• tests, current control (100%)