Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Major: Educational, Pedagogical Sciences
Code of Subject: 8.011.00.O.4
Credits: 4
Department: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Lecturer: Dolnikova Lubov Vasylivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
knowledge of theoretical and methodological foundations and categorical apparatus of pedagogy;
• knowledge of the nature of the organizational structure of the educational process, characteristics of the structural elements of the learning process;
• knowledge of modern approaches, methods, techniques and means of planning, organizing and conducting educational work with student youth;
• knowledge of methodological requirements for the preparation and conduct of training sessions of different organizational forms, teaching methods and basic requirements for their selection;
• knowledge of the structure and didactic requirements for the preparation of educational and methodological support of academic disciplines;
• Knowledge of psychological features of student's age in realization of organizational, analytical and social functions in education of creative personality, regularities and peculiarities of its development.
• mastering the practice of transferring professional knowledge, ability to analyze and define the goals of the training based on theoretical approaches, demonstrate a modern knowledge base on the problems of educational theory and create their own educational information base;
• ability to design the content of teaching, to develop and use didactic means of methodical support of educational activity;
• ability to establish communicative subject-subject relations in the student team, to organize and carry out group and individual educational work;
• ability to organize and exercise control over student achievement;
• the ability to identify and develop the creative qualities of the individual, to apply methods of teaching creativity and to conduct trainings for the development of creative abilities;
• ability to plan and carry out educational work with students in classroom and extra-curricular time, to organize effective communication activities, to solve pedagogical tasks and situations.
• knowledge of the nature of the organizational structure of the educational process, characteristics of the structural elements of the learning process;
• knowledge of modern approaches, methods, techniques and means of planning, organizing and conducting educational work with student youth;
• knowledge of methodological requirements for the preparation and conduct of training sessions of different organizational forms, teaching methods and basic requirements for their selection;
• knowledge of the structure and didactic requirements for the preparation of educational and methodological support of academic disciplines;
• Knowledge of psychological features of student's age in realization of organizational, analytical and social functions in education of creative personality, regularities and peculiarities of its development.
• mastering the practice of transferring professional knowledge, ability to analyze and define the goals of the training based on theoretical approaches, demonstrate a modern knowledge base on the problems of educational theory and create their own educational information base;
• ability to design the content of teaching, to develop and use didactic means of methodical support of educational activity;
• ability to establish communicative subject-subject relations in the student team, to organize and carry out group and individual educational work;
• ability to organize and exercise control over student achievement;
• the ability to identify and develop the creative qualities of the individual, to apply methods of teaching creativity and to conduct trainings for the development of creative abilities;
• ability to plan and carry out educational work with students in classroom and extra-curricular time, to organize effective communication activities, to solve pedagogical tasks and situations.
Required prior and related subjects:
• History of pedagogy
• Professional pedagogy
• Pedagogical workshop
• Professional pedagogy
• Pedagogical workshop
Summary of the subject:
Educational discipline "Pedagogy" involves the study of the formation of pedagogy as a science, its object and subject of study, the structure and connection with other disciplines, the pedagogical process, as a coherent system, didactics and its main categories, process, content, methods and forms of training and education, innovative processes in education. Education theory, methods and forms of educational work, professional development of the teacher.
Recommended Books:
1.Кузьмінський А.І., Омеляненко В.Л. Педагогіка: Підручник. / А.І. Кузьмінський, В.Л. Омеляненко. – К.: Знання-Прес, 2003. – С.45-49.
2.Кузьмінський А.І., Омеляненко В.Л. Педагогіка у запитаннях та відповідях: Навчальний посібник. / А.І. Кузьмінський, В.Л. Омеляненко – К.: Знання, 2006. – С.9-13.
3.Лозова В. І., Троцко Г. В. Теоретичні основи виховання і навчання. / В.І. Лозова, Г.В. Троцко. – Xарків: “ОВС”, 2012. – 287 с.
4.Мойсеюк Н. Є Педагогіка : навчальний посібник / Н. Є. Мойсеюк. – 5-те вид., доп. і перероб. – Київ : [б. в.], 2009. – 656 с.
5.Пальчевський С.С. Педагогіка: навч. посіб. /С.С. Пальчевський. -К.: Каравела, 2007. - 576 с.
6.Педагогіка: навч. посіб./Н.П.Волкова. – 4-те вид., стереотип. – К. :Академвидав, 2012. – 616 с. – (Серія «Альма-матер»)
7.Педагогіка: Навчальний посібник / Галузяк В.М., Сметанський М.І., Шахов В.І. - Вінниця: ТОВ фірма «Планер», 2012. – С. 8-24.
8.Полякова Г.А. Педагогіка: навчальний посібник / Г.А.Полякова,Т.А.Борова. - X.: Вид. «ІНЖЕК», 2011. - 368 с.
9.Фіцула М.М. Педагогіка: Навчальний посібник. / М.М. Фіцула. – К.: «Академвидав», 20005.- С.9-24.
10.Ягупов В.В. Педагогіка: Навчальний посібник. /В.В. Ягупов. – К.: Либідь, 2003. – С.11-25.
2.Кузьмінський А.І., Омеляненко В.Л. Педагогіка у запитаннях та відповідях: Навчальний посібник. / А.І. Кузьмінський, В.Л. Омеляненко – К.: Знання, 2006. – С.9-13.
3.Лозова В. І., Троцко Г. В. Теоретичні основи виховання і навчання. / В.І. Лозова, Г.В. Троцко. – Xарків: “ОВС”, 2012. – 287 с.
4.Мойсеюк Н. Є Педагогіка : навчальний посібник / Н. Є. Мойсеюк. – 5-те вид., доп. і перероб. – Київ : [б. в.], 2009. – 656 с.
5.Пальчевський С.С. Педагогіка: навч. посіб. /С.С. Пальчевський. -К.: Каравела, 2007. - 576 с.
6.Педагогіка: навч. посіб./Н.П.Волкова. – 4-те вид., стереотип. – К. :Академвидав, 2012. – 616 с. – (Серія «Альма-матер»)
7.Педагогіка: Навчальний посібник / Галузяк В.М., Сметанський М.І., Шахов В.І. - Вінниця: ТОВ фірма «Планер», 2012. – С. 8-24.
8.Полякова Г.А. Педагогіка: навчальний посібник / Г.А.Полякова,Т.А.Борова. - X.: Вид. «ІНЖЕК», 2011. - 368 с.
9.Фіцула М.М. Педагогіка: Навчальний посібник. / М.М. Фіцула. – К.: «Академвидав», 20005.- С.9-24.
10.Ягупов В.В. Педагогіка: Навчальний посібник. /В.В. Ягупов. – К.: Либідь, 2003. – С.11-25.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• oral frontal and individual interview;
• Front-end standardized test survey;
• Front-end homework;
• assessment of student's activity in the process of listening to lectures, performing practical classes, participating in discussions, solving problematic and situational tasks, supplementing previous answers, etc.
The final control is based on the results of the current control and examination.
• Front-end standardized test survey;
• Front-end homework;
• assessment of student's activity in the process of listening to lectures, performing practical classes, participating in discussions, solving problematic and situational tasks, supplementing previous answers, etc.
The final control is based on the results of the current control and examination.