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Actual methods of the theory of boundary value problems for differential equations

Major: Applied mathematics
Code of Subject: 8.113.00.O.8
Credits: 4
Department: Applied Mathematics
Lecturer: DSc Yaroslav D. Pyanylo
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
Be able to build mathematical models of physical and natural processes, which include the following steps:
-- real object;
-- content model (physical, biological, chemical, etc.);
-- mathematical model;
-- solving and researching a mathematical problem;
-- verification of models and analysis of results.

To know modern methods of boundary value theory for ordinary linear differential equations and partial differential equations.
Required prior and related subjects:
Previous courses:
- Additional sections in computational mathematics
Summary of the subject:
Postgraduate students of the specialty "Applied Mathematics" are acquainted with the theory of boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations, methods of their transformation and research, methods of constructing their solutions (analytical, numerical and iterative). The aim of the course is to master modern methods of investigating solvability and constructing solutions to the boundary-value problems of mathematical physics on the basis of different methods of input.
Recommended Books:
1. V. M. Babich, M. B. Kapilevich, S. G. Mihlin, G. I. Natanson, P. M. Riz, L. N. Slobodeckij, M. M. Smirnov Linejnye uravnenija matematicheskoj fiziki. Pod redakciej S. G. Mihlina – M. «Nauka», 1964 368 s.
2. Najfje A. Vvedenie v metody vozmushhenij. – M.: Mir, 1984. – 535 s.
3. G. Karslou i D. Eger Teploprovodnost' tverdyh tel – M., «Nauka», 1964, 488 s.
4. Tihonov A.N., Arsenin V.Ja. Metody reshenija nekorrektnyh zadach. – M.: Nauka, – 1979. – 288 s.
5. Fedotkin I.M. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie tehnologicheskih processov. – K.: Vyshha shkola, – 1988. – 415 s.
6. Charnyj I.A. Neustanovivsheesja dvizhenie real'noj zhidkosti v trubah. –M.: Nedra, – 1975. – 240 s.
7. Ya.D.P’ianylo Proektsiino-iteratsiini metody rozv’iazuvannia priamykh ta obernenykh zadach perenosu. – Lviv: Splain, 2011. 248 s.
8. Prytula N. M., Pianylo Ya. D., Prytula M. H. Pidzemne zberihannia hazu (matematychni modeli ta metody). — Lviv: Rastr – 7, 2015. — 266 s.
9. Pedli T. Gidrodinamika krupnih krovenosnyh sosudov. Per. s angl. – M.: Mir, 1983. 400 s.
10. Ye. I. Kucherenko, V. Ye. Kucherenko, I. S. Hlushenkova, I. S. Tvoroshenko Metody, modeli ta informatsiini tekhnolohii otsiniuvannia staniv skladnykh ob’iektiv : monohrafiia / ; Khark. nats. akad. misk. hosp-va; Khark. nats. un-t radioelektroniky. – Kh. : KhNAMH : KhNURE, 2012. – 276 s.
11. Krylov V. I. i dr. Vychislitel'nye metody vysshej matematiki. T. 1. Pod red. I. P. Mysovskih. Mn., «Vyshjejsh. shkola», 1972. 584 s. s ill.
12. V. I. Krylov, V. V. Bobkov, P. Monastyrnyj. Vychislitel'nye metody, tom II. Glavnaja redakcija fiziko-matematicheskoj literatury izd-va «Nauka», M., 1977.
13. Tejlor Dzh. Vvedenie v teoriju oshibok. Per. s angl.— M.: Mir, 1985. —272 s, il.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- Control work;
- Semester control.
Current control - 50 points.
Control work - 50 points.
Total for the discipline - 100 points.