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Micro- and Nanoelectromechanical Systems

Major: Micro- and Nano-system Technology
Code of Subject: 8.153.00.M.24
Credits: 3
Department: Semiconductor Electronics
Lecturer: Dr.Sci., Prof. Khoverko Yu.M.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As a result of studying the discipline are formed:
-ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic physical processes and phenomena in semiconductors, dielectrics, as well as magnetic, optical materials for devices of micro- and nanosystem technology;
-ability to use in practice the acquired knowledge on the technology of manufacturing micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems;
- ability to analyze physicochemical processes that occur in the manufacture of micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems;
- the ability to choose the material for the manufacture and justification of the physical structure,
- the ability to improve technological processes of manufacture and modify them depending on the requirements for the finished structure
Required prior and related subjects:
Fundamentals of micro- and nanotechnologies
Modeling of electronic components and devices
Technological bases of electronics
Devices based on MOS
Management of structure and properties of semiconductor materials and devices
Summary of the subject:
study of general principles and approaches to the problems of technology of manufacturing micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems in the field of semiconductor production to solve problems of development of modern nanotechnologies and their application in the creation of structures and devices of new generation electronics
Recommended Books:
1. Aseev A.L., Popov V.P., Volodin V.P., Maryutin V.N. Prospects for the use of silicon-on-insulator structures in micro-, nanoelectronics and microsystem technology / Mikro- nanosystem technology, 2002, No. 9
2. Nanomaterials and nanotechnology. Alferov Zh.I., Aseev A.L., Gaponov S.V., Kopyev P.S., Panov V.I., Poltoratsky E.A., Sibeldin N.N., Suris R.A. / Micro-nanosystem technology, 2003, No. 8.
3. Taurus V.A., Nikiforov A.Yu. Microelectronic converters of physical quantities and components of sensors - a promising element base of microsystem technology / Mikro- nanosystem technology, 2001, No. 1.
4. Druzhinin A.O., Kogut I.T., Khoverko Yu.M. SOI-Structures for Sensor Electronics: Monograph. - Lviv: View. NU "Lvivska politechnika". - 2013 .- 233 p.
5. Filamentous crystals of silicon and solid silicon-germanium in micro-nanoelectronics: monograph / А.О. Druzhinin, I.P. Ostrovsky, Yu.M. Khoverko, S.I. Nichkalo. - Lviv: "Tridada Plus", 2016. - 264 p.
6. Science periodical literature
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (20%), final control (80%)