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Development and Functioning of Radio-Electronic Devices and Systems of Gigo- and Terahertz Range

Major: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Code of Subject: 8.172.00.M.30
Credits: 3
Department: Electronics and Information Technology
Lecturer: Assistant Professor Hoblyk Viktor Vasilovich
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• knowledge of methods of construction and research of mathematical models;
• the ability to construct a mathematical model for a particular object or process that is the subject of his dissertation;
• ability to select the necessary mathematical tool for model research and to study the behavior of the model;
• ability to implement a software model for a mathematical model;
• ability to use software products to build and study mathematical models;
• the ability to analyze and justify the adequacy of the model developed.
Required prior and related subjects:
Theory and methods of random process analysis.
Summary of the subject:
• Basic concepts and principles of modeling of giga - and terahertz band electronic systems. • Methods of investigation of models of giga - and terahertz band electronic systems. • Simulation software. • Planning and conducting experiments with models.
Recommended Books:
1. Harvey A.F. Ultra High Frequency Technique. Volume 1, - Publishing House "Soviet Radio" Moscow, 1965, - 759 p.
2. Harvey A.F. Ultra High Frequency Technique. Volume 2, - Soviet Radio Publishers Moscow, 1965, 754 p.
3. Tomashevsky VM Systems modeling. - K .: BHV Publishing Group, 2005. - 352 p.
4. Samarsky AA, Mikhailov AP Mathematical Modeling: Ideas. Methods. Examples. - 2nd ed. - M .: FIZMATLIT, 2002. - 320 p.
5. Kolesov YB, Senichenkov YB Systems modeling. Object-oriented approach. Tutorial. - St. Petersburg: BHC-Petersburg, 2006. - 192 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Work on practical training - 50%
• Control work-50%