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Special Subject According to Student's Choice

Major: Architecture of buildings and constructions
Code of Subject: 7.191.01.M.10
Credits: 3
Lecturer: Dr.Sc., Prof. Roman Kinash
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- to know the basic principles taking into account wind loads in the design and operation of buildings and structures to ensure their reliability and durability;
- to know the features of the aerodynamic forces distribution which act on the buildings and structures during flow around them with wind flow;
- to know behavior of structures in wind flow;
- to be able to determine the reaction of buildings and structures or their individual elements on the action of the wind flow.
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
The history of city planning and numerous examples of the attitude of architects from different countries to accounting of wind conditions during the construction of of cities and individual buildings and structures. Microclimate formation of the city taking into account the impact of climatic conditions of the area. Review of the aerodynamic problems arising in the study of wind action on buildings and structures. Aerodynamic characteristics of residential, industrial and agricultural buildings. Methods of area aeration calculating depending on its geometric characteristics applied for solving problems of air environment improvement. Methods for determining air exchange and internal pressure in building under wind and thermal pressures which determine the microclimate in the premises. Analysis of the results of numerous aerodynamic testing of buildings and their configurations. Review examples of designing of buildings and structures with regard to the action of the wind. Acquiring the skills of designing of buildings and structures taking into account the action of the wind. Рекомендована література:
Recommended Books:
1. Руководство по расчету зданий и сооружений на действие ветра. –М.: ЦНИИСК им. В. А. Кучеренко / Стройиздат, 1978.- 120 с.
2. Кінаш Р.І., Бурнаєв 0.М. Вітрове навантаження та вітроенергетичні ресурси в Україні. Львів: В-во НТЛ, 1998.-1152с.
3. Реттер Э.И. Архитектурно-строительная аэродинамика.- М.: Стройиздат,1984.- 294с.
4. Серебровський Ф.Л. Строительная аэродинамика и аэрация населенных мест. Челябинск, Изд. ЧПИ, 1977. -73 с.
5. Графский И.Ю., Казакевич М.И. Аэродинамика плохообтекаемых тел: Учебное пособие. – Днепропетровск: ДГУ, 1983. – 116с.
6. Жуковський С.С., Кінаш Р.І., Коваленко В.А. Аеродинамічні дослідження житлового кварталу з домінуючим багатоповерховим будинком пластинчатого типу // Вісник ДУ“ЛП” Теорія і практика будівництва №335, 1997. - с. 32-42.
7. Стасюк М.І., Кінаш Р.І., Жуковський С.С., Коваленко В.А. Модельні дослідження приземних швидкостей вітру в гірських районах// Вісник ДУ“ЛП” Теорія і практика будівництва № 360, 1998. - с.132-141.
8. Кінаш Р.І., Жуковський С.С., Коваленко В.А Аеродинамічні дослідження багатоповерхового будинку без урахування рельєфу місцевості// Вісник ДУ"ЛП" Теорія і практика будівництва №400, 1999.-с.54-61
Assessment methods and criteria:
- Current control (40%);
- Final control (60%, control - test).

Special Subject According to Student's Choice

Major: Architecture of buildings and constructions
Code of Subject: 7.191.01.M.11
Credits: 3
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Kaydanovska O., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Following the completion of the module the student should:
• know the basic principles of creative thinking and be able to apply them in different areas of architecture;
• know the principles of professional communication, presentation methods and techniques of architectural ideas and practical results;
• be able to enter into personal portfolios and present their creative achievements;
• be able to organize in their own creative process and collective work.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Prerequisites: Architectural Design, Innovations in Architecture and Conceptual Design
• Co-requisites: Modern Architectural Theories and doctrines, Design of Interior Elements
Summary of the subject:
Introduction to psychological basics of creative thinking and creative algorithms to find solutions in architecture. Introduction to creative works of prominent architects, creative testing methods search conceptual ideas and develop conceptual design options by means of architectural graphics. Development thumbnail picture for a given type interior decoration (bedroom, living room, children's facilities, office). Fundamentals of architectural pedagogy. Current trends of exhibitions. Methods of preparing and conducting presentations and styling portfolio. Individual study of alternative areas of the architectural profession, fashion, guide, manager, scientist, artist, teacher, director, journalist, photographer, graphic artist, organizer of exhibitions, hand-made artist, publisher, blogger, teacher, I.T. Guy etc. Presentation of own area of professional activity and practical results, formation of creative personal portfolio.
Recommended Books:
• Криворучко Н. І. Специфіка архітектурного творчого процесу / Н. І. Криворучко. – К. : НИИТИАГ, 2000. – 84 с.
• Андрущенко В. П. Педагогіка вищої школи: підручник / В. П. Андрущенко, І. Д. Бех, Н. В. Гузій; за ред. В. Г. Кременя. – К. : Педагогічна думка, 2009. – 256 с.
• Николаев И. С. Профессия архитектора / И. С. Николаев. – М. : Стройиздат, 1984. – 384 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control (70%): personally practical tasks
• Final control (30%, differentiated test): control task

Special Subject According to Student's Choice

Major: Architecture of buildings and constructions
Code of Subject: 7.191.01.M.12
Credits: 3
Department: Architectural Environment Design
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Special Subject According to Student's Choice

Major: Architecture of buildings and constructions
Code of Subject: 7.191.01.M.13
Credits: 3
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Special Subject According to Student's Choice

Major: Architecture of buildings and constructions
Code of Subject: 7.191.01.M.14
Credits: 3
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Nadiia Sosnova Lecturer Inesa Skliarova
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• Knowledge of basic normative legal acts and reference materials, current standards and specifications, instructions and other prescriptive documents in the architecture and urban planning field
• To carry out competently the architectural and urban planning documentation objects of architecture and urban planning
• The ability to understand and consider social, environmental, ethical and economic aspects of influencing on the current and future decisions in the work process of architectural and urban projects
• Execution of working documentation in the field of urban planning, such as a detail plan of the territory in the extent and form of real design work
• Completing of spatial planning quests; competent, reasoned and confirmed by predesign researches conclusions and decision of strategic territorial and regional development, improvement of the settlement planning system; urban design development of local communities
• To carry out urban planning documentation - the master plan of the city, a detailed plan of the territory with professional changes in transport network
Required prior and related subjects:
• Fundamentals of Urban Planning
• Architectural Design
Summary of the subject:
The specifics of the settlement plan, a comprehensive assessment of the existing condition, determining planning restrictions, conflicts and solutions to study the future needs of the settlement and determination of future development models, offers urban development master plan for the accounting period (according prospective population).
Recommended Books:
1. Фомін І.О. Основи теорії містобудування: Підручник. - Київ: Наукова думка, 1997.
2. Посацький Б. С. Основи урбаністики. Ч. І . Урбанізація та територіальне розпланування: Навч. посібн. Вид. друге. Доп. – Львів: Манускрипт, 2002.
3. Містобудівне проектування Ч. І . Місто як об’єкт проектування: Навч. посібн. За ред. проф. Петришин Г. П., проф. Посацького Б. С., доц. Ідак Ю. В. – Львів: Вид-во НУ “ЛП”, 2016.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Final control (100%)

Special Subject According to Student's Choice

Major: Architecture of buildings and constructions
Code of Subject: 7.191.01.M.15
Credits: 3
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria: