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Introduction to Linguistics

Major: Philology (Applied Linguistics)
Code of Subject: 6.035.10.O.11
Credits: 4
Department: Applied Linguistics
Lecturer: prof. Tyshchenko O.V.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
Having completed the course, students will have knowledge of the main issues and areas of modern linguistics, views on the origin and nature of language, particularities of the relationship between language and mind, the essence of the dichotomy langue vs. parole, structure of the language system, relation between language and human beings, nation and state, particularities of the issues of phonetics and phonology, main aspects of studying lexis, the most important notions and categories of grammar; kinds of languages classification; historical and contemporary types of writing.
Trained specialists will be able to apply the acquired knowledge for studying language-specific linguistics, properly operate the acquired linguistic terminology, including the ability to: 1) provide correct definitions of fundamental linguistic notions; 2) recognize language units and classify them, applying appropriate linguistic methods; 3) analyse the sounds of different languages and transcribe words using the International Phonetic Alphabet; 4) characterize words of different languages from semasiological and onomasiological points of view; 5) identify the particularities of grammar of different languages
Required prior and related subjects:
- prerequisites: "Applied Linguistics Fundamentals"
- corequisites: "Modern English / German / Japanese"
Summary of the subject:
Introduction: subject, object and objectives of linguistics, links of linguistics with other sciences. Methods: descriptive, comparative, typological, structural. Language as a human phenomenon: nature, essence and origin of language. Communicative aspect of language: language, speech, language activity. Psychological aspect: language, mind, consciousness; Psychophysical foundations of language and mind unity. Semiotic aspect: notion of sign in general and linguistic sign in particular; differences between the linguistic sign and other signs. Language system levels and units. Social aspect: modes of language existence in society; language policy; world languages; language relations in different historical periods. Chapters of linguistics viewed synchronically and diachronically: Phonetics and phonology. Lexicology. Grammar: morphology and syntax. Classification aspect of world languages study.
Recommended Books:
Вступ до мовознавства: підручник / [І. О. Голубовська, С. М. Лучканин, В. Ф. Чемес]. – К.: ВЦ «Академія», 2016. – 320 с.
Карпенко Ю.О. Вступ до мовознавства / Карпенко Ю.О. – К.: Академія, 2006. – 336 с.
Кочерган М.П. Вступ до мовознавства / Кочерган М.П. – К.: Академія, 2000. – 368 с.
Yule G. The study of language / Yule G. – Cambridge: Cambridge U-ty Press, 2010. – 338 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- current academic performance assessment (60%): oral examining at practical classes, individual tasks;
- exam assessment (40%): written test