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Business English Communication

Major: Philology (Applied Linguistics)
Code of Subject: 6.035.10.M.68
Credits: 6
Department: Applied Linguistics
Lecturer: PhD, associate professor Solomia Albota associate professor Iryna Karamysheva
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• to have the knowledge and understanding of the language nature as a social phenomenon, its correlation with mental processes, culture and social development of people; the principal relations between language and objective world; language origin and development, its levels; basic units of language and speech; functional peculiarities of language.
• to provide the specific kind of communication by means of fulfilling high-quality translation by using optimal methods and techniques and with taking into account both subjective and objective factors for reaching the maximum communicative effect; to be able to edit translated texts, documents etc.
• to apply the knowledge of the peculiarities of business communication and documentation keeping, peculiarities of forming communicative skills in Ukrainian and foreign (English) languages.
• to be able to speak the foreign language (English) fluently and correctly in compliance with all the necessary phonetic, lexical-stylistic, grammatical norms in different situations of the personal and professional communication.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Theory and practice of translation (the English language), part 1
• Modern English ( part 3)
• Fundamentals of the theory of Language Communication
Summary of the subject:
Learning of Business English is held in the form of workshops/practical classes, aimed at enhancing language skills and knowledge as well as their application while students perform communication exercises and tasks related to the following topics "Job Search. The announcement of job search / job vacancy. The qualification requirements", "Summary/Resume/Cover letter writing (registration, types)", "Interview with the employer (Job interview. Applying for the position. Basic requirements and rules of etiquette", "Business phone conversation. The arrangement of the business meeting", "Business correspondence (structure, business letter type)" , "Types of business letters", "Electronic communication (fax, telex)", "Internet and e-mail". Business English course aims at developing skills such as business communication and negotiation; drafting documents and business correspondence; presentations; telephone calls; brainstorming and interviewing; generation and discussion of innovative ideas etc.
Recommended Books:
1. Brieger, Nick. The Language of Business English Grammar & Functions / Brieger, Nick &
Sweeney, Simon. – Prentice Hall International, 1994. – 250 p.
2. Brown, Gillian D. Professional English in Use / Brown, Gillian D.; Rice Sally. – Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2007. –128 p.
3. Comfort, Jeremy. Marketing / Comfort, Jeremy; Brieger, Nick. – Harlow: Pearson Education
Limited, 2000. –185 p.
4. Cotton, David. Market Leader. Business English Course Book (3-rd Edition) / Cotton, David; Falvey, David; Kent, Simon . – Pearson Education Limited, 2011.–176 p.
5. Cotton, David. Business Class / Cotton, David; Sue Robbins. – Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1996. –184 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Continuous assessement – 50 points
Credit control testing – 50 points