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Mathematical Processing of Geodetic Measurements
Major: Geodesy and land management
Code of Subject: 6.193.00.O.17
Credits: 5
Department: Cartography and Geospatial Modelling
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Andrii Sohor
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• Ability to demonstrate knowledge of the basics of measurement error theory.
• Apply knowledge of parametric and correlative methods for balancing different types of geodetic networks.
• Ability to demonstrate basic knowledge of the least squares method.
• Apply knowledge and understanding to calculate root mean square errors and weights of functions of measured values.
• Ability to perform mathematical processing of measurement results and their estimation of accuracy.
• Apply knowledge of parametric and correlative methods for balancing different types of geodetic networks.
• Ability to demonstrate basic knowledge of the least squares method.
• Apply knowledge and understanding to calculate root mean square errors and weights of functions of measured values.
• Ability to perform mathematical processing of measurement results and their estimation of accuracy.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Computer science and geo-programming.
• Higher Mathematics Part 1, 2.
• Statistical processing of geodetic measurements.
• Surveying Part 1.
• Higher Mathematics Part 1, 2.
• Statistical processing of geodetic measurements.
• Surveying Part 1.
Summary of the subject:
The essence of the measurement process. Classification of measurements and their errors. Distribution and properties of random errors. Processing of measurement series. The essence of the problem is the balancing of several measured quantities. Fundamentals of parametric balancing method. Estimation of accuracy of balancing results by parametric method. Weight of function of measured quantities. Basics of correlative balancing method. Evaluation of the accuracy of the results of equilibrium balancing. Conditional equations of corrections in geodetic networks using the correlative method of balancing.
Recommended Books:
1. Войтенко С.П., Шульц Р.В., Кузьмич О.Й., Кравченко Ю.В. Математичне оброблення геодезичних вимірів: підручник / за ред. С. П. Войтенка. – К.: Знання, 2015. – 654 с.
2. Зазуляк П.М., Гавриш В.І. Євсєєва Е.М., Йосипчук М.Д. Основи математичного опрацювання геодезичних вимірювань. Навчальний посібник. – Львів: Видавництво "Растр-7", 2007. – 408 с.
3. Рябчій В.А. Теорія похибок вимірювань. Навч. посібник / В. А. Рябчій, В. В. Рябчій ; Національний гірничий ун-т. – Д. : НГУ, 2006. – 165 с.
2. Зазуляк П.М., Гавриш В.І. Євсєєва Е.М., Йосипчук М.Д. Основи математичного опрацювання геодезичних вимірювань. Навчальний посібник. – Львів: Видавництво "Растр-7", 2007. – 408 с.
3. Рябчій В.А. Теорія похибок вимірювань. Навч. посібник / В. А. Рябчій, В. В. Рябчій ; Національний гірничий ун-т. – Д. : НГУ, 2006. – 165 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Written reports on laboratory work, verbal examination (40%).
• Final control (exam): written, verbal form (60%).
• Final control (exam): written, verbal form (60%).