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Major: Geodesy and land management
Code of Subject: 6.193.00.O.65
Credits: 5
Department: Cartography and Geospatial Modelling
Lecturer: Associated professor, PhD Holubinka Yuliya
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• application of knowledge of the mathematical laws of Earth surface image on the plane for development and selection of cartographical projection for specific map with consideration of its purpose, scale, shape, size of investigated territory;
• knowledge application of mathematical cartography for projections investigation, determination of the distortion character and its values in the different places of the map;
• the ability to use of mapping methods for development of general geographic and thematic maps;
• to use skills of methods of design and styling cards.
Required prior and related subjects:
Higher geodesy
Geodesy and topography
Summary of the subject:
Cartography, its nature, subject and object. Structure of the cartography. Its connection with other sciences. Maps, cartographic compositions, its nature and properties. Maps and other cartographic compositions classification. Geodetic and mathematical ground of maps (Earth ellipsoid. Ellipsoid change by sphere. Coordinates system. Maps scale. Cartographic projections. Development of cartographic imagery. Projections classification. Properties of cartographic projections. Projection choose. Loxodromic and orthodromy. Ruling and range of the maps. The layout of maps.). Theory of cartographic projections. Maps language. Cartographic methods of imagery. Scales of symbols. Methods relief image. Inscriptions on maps (Types and features inscriptions on the maps. Cartographic fonts. Forms of manes translation. Indicators of geographical names. Placing labels on maps). Cartographic generalization (Essence, factors, types of generalization. Geographic principles of generalization. Generalization of objects of the different localization). Design, preparation and publication of the maps (Main stages of maps development. Map program. Preparation and reviewing pf the map. Authorship in cartography. Edition card).
Recommended Books:
1. Берлянт А.М. Картография: учебник / А.М. Берлянт.? 3-е издание, дополненное.? М.: КДУ, 2011. – 464 с.
2. Божок А.П. Картографія: підручник / А.П. Божок, А.М. Молочко, В.І. Остроух; за ред. А.П. Божок.? К.: Видавничо-поліграфічний центр “Київський університет”, 2008. ? 271 с.
3. Бугаевский Л.М. Математическая картография: учебник для вузов / Л.М. Бугаевский. ? М.: Златоуст, 1998. ? 400 с.
4. Вахрамеева Л.А. Картография: учебник для вузов / Л.А. Вахрамеева.? М.: Недра, 1981. ? 224 с.
5. Ковальчук І.П. Картографія. Лабораторний практикум: навчальний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів. Видання третє / І.П. Ковальчук, Т.О. Євсюков.? Київ-Львів: Простір-М, 2015.? 282 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- reports on laboratory work, oral examination, reference work (40%);
- final control (60% credit): written, oral form (60%).