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Technical Diagnostics of Automobiles

Major: Motor Vehicle Transport
Code of Subject: 6.274.02.E.95
Credits: 6
Department: Operation and Repair of Automotive Vehicles
Lecturer: lecturer Mastykash Alexander L.
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• to know substantive provisions and terminology from diagnostics of the technical state of car; kinds and models of establishment of diagnosis; metrology providing of diagnosticating of cars; methods of diagnosticating of electronic control the system car;
• able to carry out model description of objects of diagnosticating; to carry out prognostication of remaining resource of object; to co-ordinate descriptions of measurings devices with diagnostic parameters;
• to know about the metrology providing of diagnosticating of cars; side diagnostics of car; structure of kodas of disrepairs of electronic blocks of management; diagnosticating of electric cars.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Cars, p. 1, 2
• Technical exploitation of cars, p. 2
• Electric and electronic equipment of cars.
Summary of the subject:
Concept and task of technical diagnostics. High-quality and quantitative signs of the technical state. Prognostication of remaining resource. Metrology providing of diagnosticating of cars. General principles of diagnosticating of electronic control the system car. Features of diagnosticating of electric cars.
Recommended Books:
1. Форнальчик Є.Ю., Мастикаш О.Л., Оліскевич М.С., Пельо Р.А. Технічна експлуатація та надійність автомобілів. Навчальний посібник для студентів спеціальності «Автомобілі та автомобільне господарство». – Львів.: Афіша, 2003. – 492 с.
2. Загальні принципи діагностування електронних систем керування автомобіля: навчальний посібник/ О.Ф.Дащенко, В.Г.Максимов, О.Д.Ніцевич [та ін.], за ред. М.Б.Копитчука. - Одеса: “Наука і техніка”, 2012. – 392 с.
3. Яковлев В.Ф. Диагностика электронных систем автомобиля. Учебное пособие. М.: СОЛОН-ПРЕСС, 2003. – 272 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• current control: writing reports from laboratory works, verbal questioning, control work (30%);
• final control (70 %): exam.