Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Organization of Automobiles Service

Major: Motor Vehicle Transport
Code of Subject: 6.274.00.O.65
Credits: 3
Department: Operation and Repair of Automotive Vehicles
Lecturer: Senior Lecturer Pelio Roman
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
to define and formulate problems that are specific areas of maintenance and repair of vehicles; find solutions to complex practical problems of rational use of vehicles and industrial and technical base of transport companies; summarize the causes and effects of intensive use of vehicles in the present; analyze trends in the field of urban spaces; develop curriculum for vocational education.
Required prior and related subjects:
The enterprises of motor transport;
Automobiles, part 1;
Automobile engines.
Summary of the subject:
The theoretical basis of technical operation of cars. Trends in the construction of cars and their technical operation. Interdependence between working and destructive processes in units of cars. Patterns of wear parts and mechanisms of cars. Friction and wear of cars as the basis of destructive processes that lead to loss of efficiency. Characterization and analysis of the causes of disability cars. Elements of mathematical statistics and its application in identifying indicators of reliability of cars.
Recommended Books:
1. Канарчук В.Е., Лудченко О.А., Чигиринець А.Д. Експлуатаційна надійність автомобілів: Підручник: у 2 ч., 4 кн. - К.: Вища шк., 2000. - Ч. 1: кн.1.
2. Форнальчик Є.Ю., Оліскевич М.С., Мастикаш О.Л., Пельо Р.А. Технічна експлуатація та надійність автомобілів: Навчальний посібник / За загальною ред. Є.Ю.Форнальчика.? Львів: Афіша, 2004.- 492с.
3. Лудченко О.А. Технічне обслуговування і ремонт автомобілів: Підручник. - К.: Знання-Прес, 2003. - 511 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- Current control (30%), oral examination, defense settlement and graphic works of practical tasks;
- Control examination (70%) 60% - test component and 10% - oral component.