Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Engineered Transportstructures

Major: Transport technology (by Automobile Transport)
Code of Subject: 6.275.03.E.97
Credits: 3.5
Department: Transport Technologies
Lecturer: seniour lecturer Velhan Igor Volodimirovich
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• to know the composition and designation of engineering equipment of road transport constructions;
• to know the requirements of norms for designing elements of engineering equipment of communication paths;
• To know the technique of designing elements of engineering equipment
• be able to design and install engineering structures of transport;
• be able to calculate the necessary parameters and carrying capacity of transport facilities;
• be able to place the necessary equipment and technical equipment;
• be able to place the necessary services of the service; maintenance, operation, recreation and service
Required prior and related subjects:
• Supplying information to roadway users;
• transport geography;
• general course of transport;
Summary of the subject:
Classification of the fence. Requirements for retaining the fence. Principle of calculation of retaining fences. Rigid retaining (guiding) fences. Their design and installation. Installation and placement of guiding fences. The location of guiding fences in the cross section of the road. Stopping fences. General Lighting Information. Placement and methods of installing lighting systems. Types of noise protection structures. Classification. Requirements for noise protection structures. Design of noise-absorbing and noise-reducing structures. Installation and placement. Complexes of structures of service services. Principles of designing and placing service service objects. Places for short-term rest. Calculation of required quantity. Places for long rest. Groups of local conditions for placing objects. Bus stops and pavilions. Bus stations and bus stations. Gas station. Principles of placement. Gas station planning. Design and placement. Technical maintenance of cars. Types and destinations of green plantations. gardening functions.
Recommended Books:
1. Аленіч М.Д., Савченко В.Д., Титаренко О.М. Інженерне обладнання автомобільних доріг. Навч. посібник, - К.: УТУ, 1998. 128 с.
2. Хом'як Я.В., Гончаренко Ф.П., Копилевич С.Л. Инженерное оборудование
автомобильных дорог. - М.: Транспорт, 1990. - 232 с.
3. Залуга В. П. Оборудование автомобильных дорог для безопасности движения ночью. — М.: Транспорт, 2009. — 217 с.
4. Благоустройство автомобильных дорог. - М.: Транспорт, 1986. - 136 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
written reports on practical work, oral questioning (30%)
• final control (70%, control measure, exam): written / oral form (70%)