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The Methods of Simulation of Systems and Processes

Major: Equipment of food processing industry
Code of Subject: 7.133.03.E.18
Credits: 3
Department: Designing and Operation of Machines
Lecturer: docent Velyka Oksana Tarasivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• familiar with the principles of the system approach are necessary for correct formulation of the problem of modeling and work organization development and use of models in the processing and food industries;
• master the principles of construction of mathematical models and technical process tehsystem processing and food industries;
• know methods of building models and stages of formalization and algorithms;
• be able to apply software implementation means of mathematical modeling and simulation;
• implement a computer simulation program to evaluate the developed models
Required prior and related subjects:
• Basics of modeling technical systems
• Higher mathematics
• Computer Science
Summary of the subject:
Modeling as a method of scientific knowledge. Types of simulation. Features Simulation technology systems. Experimental statistical modeling technology systems and processes. Methods of multidimensional modeling processes. Full factorial experiment. Check significance coefficients. Check adequacy model. Fractional factorial eksperyment. Optimization technological systems. Basic principles of model systems. Mathematical programming as one of the main tools for solving optimization problems and study the resulting solution. Classification of mathematical programming problems. Problem of linear programming. Geometric interpretation. Geometric and simplex method for solving linear programming problems. Basic and dual problem as a couple of LP problems. The main duality theorem and its contents. Transport problem (TOR). Production methods for solving and analysis. Problems integer and fractional-linear programming. The main methods of solving and analysis. The problems of nonlinear programming. The main methods of solving and analysis
Recommended Books:
1. Барвінський А.Ф та ін. Математичне програмування: Навчальний посібник / А.Ф. Барвінський, І.Я. Олексів, З.І. Крупка, І.О. Бобик, І.І. Демків, Р.І. Квіт, В.В. Кісілевич – Львів: Національний університет “Львівська політехніка” (Інформаційно-видавничий центр “Інтелект+” Інститут післядипломної освіти) “Інтелект – Захід”, 2004. – 448с .
2. Пальчевський Б.О. Дослідження технологічних систем (моделювання, проектування, оптимізація): Навч. посібник. - Львів: світ, 2001.- 232 с.
3. Стоцько 3. А. Моделювання технологічних систем. / Навчальний посібник. НВК ВО при Міністерстві освіти України, 2014с.
4. http:// www.knigka.info/2012/07/14/modeljuvannja-sistem.html
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written records of the settlement work, oral examination, reference work (40%)
• final control (60% control measure, exam), written-oral form (60%)

The Methods of Simulation of Systems and Processes (курсова робота)

Major: Equipment of food processing industry
Code of Subject: 7.133.03.E.20
Credits: 2
Department: Designing and Operation of Machines
Lecturer: docent Velyka Oksana Tarasivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• master the principles of construction of mathematical models and technical process tehsystem processing and food industries;
• know methods of building models and stages of formalization and algorithms;
• be able to apply software implementation means of mathematical modeling and simulation;
• implement a computer simulation program to evaluate the developed models
Required prior and related subjects:
• Basics of modeling technical systems
• Higher mathematics
• Computer Science
Summary of the subject:
Modeling as a method of scientific knowledge. Types of simulation. Features Simulation technology systems. Experimental statistical modeling technology systems and processes. Methods of multidimensional modeling processes. Full factorial experiment. Check significance coefficients. Check adequacy model. Fractional factorial eksperyment. Optimization technological systems. Basic principles of model systems. Mathematical programming as one of the main tools for solving optimization problems and study the resulting solution. Classification of mathematical programming problems. Problem of linear programming. Geometric interpretation. Geometric and simplex method for solving linear programming problems. Basic and dual problem as a couple of LP problems. The main duality theorem and its contents. Transport problem (TOR). Production methods for solving and analysis. Problems integer and fractional-linear programming. The main methods of solving and analysis. The problems of nonlinear programming. The main methods of solving and analysis
Recommended Books:
1. Барвінський А.Ф та ін. Математичне програмування: Навчальний посібник / А.Ф. Барвінський, І.Я. Олексів, З.І. Крупка, І.О. Бобик, І.І. Демків, Р.І. Квіт, В.В. Кісілевич – Львів: Національний університет “Львівська політехніка” (Інформаційно-видавничий центр “Інтелект+” Інститут післядипломної освіти) “Інтелект – Захід”, 2004. – 448с .
2. Пальчевський Б.О. Дослідження технологічних систем (моделювання, проектування, оптимізація): Навч. посібник. - Львів: світ, 2001.- 232 с.
3. Стоцько 3. А. Моделювання технологічних систем. / Навчальний посібник. НВК ВО при Міністерстві освіти України, 2014с.
4. http:// www.knigka.info/2012/07/14/modeljuvannja-sistem.html
Assessment methods and criteria:
Course project - 100%