Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Structure Formation in Products Obtained by Additive Technologies
Major: Metallurgy
Code of Subject: 7.136.01.E.23
Credits: 5
Department: Applied Materials Science and Materials Engineering
Lecturer: Ihor A. Lemishka, Assistant professor, Ph.D.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
KN5. Knowledge of state-of-the-art computer hardware and specialized software for optimal selection of materials and technologies for foundry production, solid-state parametric modelling of castings and foundry equipment, modelling of the process of crystallization of castings and optimization of technological parameters of their production in order to prevent the appearance of foundry defects and increase the operational characteristics.
KN9. Knowledge of deformation behaviour of materials, patterns of degradation of the structure and properties of cast materials, the nature of brittle and viscous fracture under various conditions of loading, wear and corrosion.
KN13. Knowledge of theoretical foundations of product formation by modern methods of automated and waste-free additive technologies, features of structure formation in products obtained with their use, possibilities of their application for foundry production, in particular by 3D prototyping (3D printing).
SK5. Ability to use modern specialized software for rational selection of materials and technologies of foundry production, solid-state parametric modelling of castings and foundry equipment, modelling of processes of hardening of castings, detection of foundry defects and analysis of the causes of their appearance, optimization of the parameters of technological process of casting for improving production performance.
SK8. Ability to determine mechanical, technological, physical and electrochemical properties, to evaluate the structure, elemental and phase composition of foundry alloys; to apply non-destructive quality control of products, to carry out corrosion tests of materials.
KN9. Knowledge of deformation behaviour of materials, patterns of degradation of the structure and properties of cast materials, the nature of brittle and viscous fracture under various conditions of loading, wear and corrosion.
KN13. Knowledge of theoretical foundations of product formation by modern methods of automated and waste-free additive technologies, features of structure formation in products obtained with their use, possibilities of their application for foundry production, in particular by 3D prototyping (3D printing).
SK5. Ability to use modern specialized software for rational selection of materials and technologies of foundry production, solid-state parametric modelling of castings and foundry equipment, modelling of processes of hardening of castings, detection of foundry defects and analysis of the causes of their appearance, optimization of the parameters of technological process of casting for improving production performance.
SK8. Ability to determine mechanical, technological, physical and electrochemical properties, to evaluate the structure, elemental and phase composition of foundry alloys; to apply non-destructive quality control of products, to carry out corrosion tests of materials.
Required prior and related subjects:
Previous courses:
Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics
Fundamentals of Computer Aided Design
Theoretical foundations of foundry production
Foundry technology
Computer technology in foundry
Related courses:
Organization of the experiment in the modelling and optimization of technical systems in metallurgy
Damage and destruction of cast alloys
Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics
Fundamentals of Computer Aided Design
Theoretical foundations of foundry production
Foundry technology
Computer technology in foundry
Related courses:
Organization of the experiment in the modelling and optimization of technical systems in metallurgy
Damage and destruction of cast alloys
Summary of the subject:
The discipline "Structural Formation in Products Obtained by Additive Technologies" will acquaint students with the formation of structure during casting, the influence of chemical composition and technological factors on the formation of structure. Describes the influence of structural factors on the properties of parts made of steels, cast irons and non-ferrous alloys obtained by various casting technologies. It describes the methods for determining the structure and the technological basis for its improvement when using doping, microalloying and heat treatment.
Recommended Books:
1. Зленко М.А. Аддитивные технологии в машиностроении / М.В. Нагайцев, В.М. Довбыш // пособие для инженеров. М.: ГНЦ РФ ФГУП «НАМИ» 2015. 220 с.
2. Пустюльга С.І., Гандзюк М.О., Булік Ю.В. Основи проектування в Рrо/ENGINEER: Навчальний посібник. – Луцьк: Редакційно видавничий відділ ЛНТУ, 2012. – 281с.
3. Creo Parametric. Базовый курс обучения: Конспект лекций. К., Инженерная компания технополис. – 2013. – 109 с.
4. Michael F. Ashby. Materials Selection in Mechanical Design (Fourth Edition). – Elsevier Science & Technology. 2011. – 646 p.
5. Проектування та виробництво заготовок деталей машин. Литі заготовки: навчальний посібник. / [Дусанюк Ж. П.,Шиліна О. П., Репінський С. В. та ін.] – Вінниця: ВНТУ, 2009. –199 с.
2. Пустюльга С.І., Гандзюк М.О., Булік Ю.В. Основи проектування в Рrо/ENGINEER: Навчальний посібник. – Луцьк: Редакційно видавничий відділ ЛНТУ, 2012. – 281с.
3. Creo Parametric. Базовый курс обучения: Конспект лекций. К., Инженерная компания технополис. – 2013. – 109 с.
4. Michael F. Ashby. Materials Selection in Mechanical Design (Fourth Edition). – Elsevier Science & Technology. 2011. – 646 p.
5. Проектування та виробництво заготовок деталей машин. Литі заготовки: навчальний посібник. / [Дусанюк Ж. П.,Шиліна О. П., Репінський С. В. та ін.] – Вінниця: ВНТУ, 2009. –199 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Running control: oral and written surveys, laboratory works (50%);
Examination control: written-oral form (50%).
Examination control: written-oral form (50%).