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Intellectual Property

Major: Cartography
Code of Subject: 7.103.02.M.7
Credits: 3
Department: Higher Geodesy and Astronomy
Lecturer: Associate Professor, PhD L.M.Yankiv-Vitkovska
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. To have a legal framework on the topic of intellectual property.
2. The ability to use intellectual property information for their masters studies.
3. Ability to apply WIPO regulations for the practical training of this course.
4. Ability to formulate own author's conclusions, suggestions and recommendations for master's studies.
Required prior and related subjects:
Space monitoring of the Earth
Physical Surveying
Summary of the subject:
The purpose, tasks, content and features of the discipline are intellectual property. State Innovation Market Development Program, international treaties and agreements in the field of intellectual property, international treaties and administrative functions of WIPO. World Copyright Convention, Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Patent Cooperation Agreements and International Trademark Registration Agreements, Nice Agreement on the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Registration of Marks, WIPO Copyright Treaties, The Hague Agreement on International Registration patent law treaty, international agreements of states. The main provisions of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of intellectual property. Legal acts of protection of geographical, cartographic and geodetic information. Standards of the World Intellectual Property Organization. State Standards of Ukraine (DSTU). Acquisition of intellectual property rights: inventions and utility models; industrial design and geographical significance; trademark; trade secrets; copyright and related rights. Management of intellectual property rights from the stage of its creation to the stage of disposal. The procedure for paying fees for actions related to the protection of intellectual property rights. Assessment of intellectual capital. Work with industrial property databases (inventions, utility models, industrial designs, etc.). Protection of intellectual property rights. Intellectual Property Rights Dispute Resolution. Preparation of documentation and applications for patents and copyrights. Rules for drawing up and submitting an industrial design application.
Recommended Books:
1. Всесвітня конвенція про авторське право 1952 року (Додатково див. Постанову ВР №3794-12 від 23.12.1993).
2. Паризька конвенція про охорону промислової власності від 20.03.1883 р.
3. Договір про патентне право (Про приєднання до Договору див. Закон № 245-ІУ від 22.11.2002 р.).
Assessment methods and criteria:

Control work - 20.
Test 1 - (Topics 1-4) - 40.
Test 2 - (on topics 4-8) - 40.