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State Control in Land Management and Real Estate Appraisal

Major: Land management and cadastre
Code of Subject: 7.193.03.M.8
Credits: 3
Department: Cadastre of Territory
Lecturer: Assoc. Lyudmila Savchuk
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the current state of affairs and new technologies in the field of land management and real estate valuation;
the ability to use tools of other human, natural and exact sciences necessary for solving problems;
identify, classify and describe the technology works in the field;
the ability to realize the importance of acquired knowledge in order to obtain new professional skills, adapt to new situations and make decisions.
Required prior and related subjects:
Technical and regulatory support valuation of land and immovable property
State Land Cadastre
Organization and production management
Summary of the subject:
Characteristics of state control in land management. Characteristics of state control real estate evaluation. Rights violations of the law on state control in land management and property valuation. Responsibility for violation of law in the assessment of land and property.
Recommended Books:
1. "On state control over land use and protection" The Law of Ukraine dated 19 June 2003 r. №963-IV.
2. "On state examination land documents" Law of Ukraine of 17 June 2004 r. №1808-IV.
3. "Regulations on the State Fund of land use" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 17 November 2004 r. 1553 number.
4. "The order of determination and compensation to land owners and land users" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 19 April 1993 r. Number 284.
Assessment methods and criteria:
class test, oral interviews (30%);
final control (70%, thematic tests, pass a test), written-oral form (70%).