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Monitoring of Water Areas
Major: Land management and cadastre
Code of Subject: 7.193.03.M.19
Credits: 5
Department: Higher Geodesy and Astronomy
Lecturer: Professor, Dr. Sc. in Physics & Mathematics, Marchenko A.N.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
Planning and complete research, to use the acquired knowledge for the preparation and execution of the research plan under the defined time frame. Ability to demonstrate knowledge in one of the areas of earth sciences: geophysics, geodesy, cartography, geodynamics, oceanography. Ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills to conduct experiments, collect data, modeling and analysis of the results in geophysics, geodesy, cartography, oceanography and geodynamics. Knowledge of the current state of affairs and new technologies in the Earth’s sciences. Ability to formulation and improvement of the research problem, selection of the necessary information to solve it and formulation of scientifically based conclusions. Usage of information resources in scientific research, using high standards of text analysis. Application of knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve the professional problems. The effective job in teams to locate, acquire and process the data during the solving of research problems.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Satellite geodesy
• High geodesy
• Fundamentals of physical geodesy
• High geodesy
• Fundamentals of physical geodesy
Summary of the subject:
The subject "Monitoring of water areas" provides accurate determination of the shape and external gravitational field in the ocean areas and its time changes on the basis of satellite altimetry data. This includes multi-step filtering and processing of altimetry data in space-time domain in addition to the standard procedure of remove - restore for altimetry data processing. The inversion of sea surface height anomalies SSH into gravity anomalies approach is studied. The processing of large amounts of data within discrete approximation problem of anomalous potential leads to the method of fast Fourier transformation FFT for the determination of gravimetric geoid. Another important component is to build a permanent component of the dynamic topography of the oceans relative to the geoid and its possible changes over time.
Recommended Books:
1. Marchenko A.N. Tretyak K.R., et al. The study of the Earth’s Gravity Field, Sea Surface Topography and the Crustal movements in the Antarctic area. - Lviv: National Universyty Lviv Polytechnic, 2012, 308 p.
2. Marchenko A.N. Tretyak K.R., Yarema N. P. Reference Systems in Geodesy, - Lviv: National Universyty Lviv Polytechnic, 2013, 220p.
3. Marchenko A.N. Parameterization of the Earth’s gravity field. Point and line singularities. - Lviv Astronomical and Geodetic Society, 1998. - 210p.
4. Seeber G. Satellite geodesy. 2nd edition.// Walter de Gruyter-Berlin, 2003.– 589 p.
2. Marchenko A.N. Tretyak K.R., Yarema N. P. Reference Systems in Geodesy, - Lviv: National Universyty Lviv Polytechnic, 2013, 220p.
3. Marchenko A.N. Parameterization of the Earth’s gravity field. Point and line singularities. - Lviv Astronomical and Geodetic Society, 1998. - 210p.
4. Seeber G. Satellite geodesy. 2nd edition.// Walter de Gruyter-Berlin, 2003.– 589 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Report laboratory classes in writing, oral interviews, reference work (30%)
• Final control (70% control measure, test) written-oral form (70%)
• Final control (70% control measure, test) written-oral form (70%)