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Social Capital in Modern Society

Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.02.E.81
Credits: 5
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Assoc. prof. Hurij B.B.
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
- knowledge of the scientific discourse on institutional and socio-cultural factors of economic and political efficiency;
- knowledge of the relationship between social movements, political parties and social capital;
- knowledge of the empirical methods of the sociological study of the phenomenon of social capital.

Required prior and related subjects:
Special sociologies (part 3), Theoretical sociology
Summary of the subject:
The theoretical basis of the theory of social capital. The theory of social topology by P. Bourdieu. The concept of capital and its forms: human capital, symbolic capital, social capital. Sources and components of social capital. The concept of social capital in the context of an agent-structural integration. Collective action and political participation in the light of the theory of social capital. R. Putnam on collective social action, social capital and democracy. Micro, meso and macro level social capital. Social capital as individual well-being. Social capital, democracy and institutional effectiveness. Transformation of social networks, new forms of solidarity. Concept of the antisocial capital (downside of social capital) and social problems. Network analysis as a methodology and technique. The operational parameters of social capital. Presentation of empirical sociological study of social capital.
Recommended Books:
Рекомендована або обов’язкова література:
1. Lindenberg S. Self-command capital and the problem of agency. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association. – Pittsburgh, 1992. – 258 p.;
2. Becker G. Human Capital. – New York: Columbia University Press. – 1964. – 320 p.;
3. Social capital: critical perspectives. Edited by S. Baron, J. Field, and T. Schuller. - Oxford: Oxford university press. - 2000. – 307 p.;
4. Field J. Social capital. – Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group. – 2004. – 287 p.;
5. Di Maggio P. Cultural capital and school success: the impact of status culture participation on grades of U.S. high school students // American sociological review. – 1982. – vol. 47. - № 2. – P. 189-201;
6. Lin N. Building a network theory of social Capital // Connections. – 1999. № 22. – P. 28-51;
7. Putnam R. Bowling Alone: the collapse and revival of american community. – New York: Free Press. - 2000. - 544 p.;
8. Portes A. Social capital: its origins and application in modern sociology // Annual review of sociology. – 1998. – vol. 24. – P. 1-24.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• oral interviews, participate in discussions, presentation of individual assignment (40%)
• final control (control measure, exam), written-oral form (60%)