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Physical Education, Part 3

Major: Law
Code of Subject: 6.081.00.O.21
Credits: 1.5
Department: Physical Education
Lecturer: Alexander Kuspish
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• formation of physical culture of the person corresponding to the level of education specialist;
• training of future specialists for high performance;
• the development of vitally important and professionally important physical qualities of students;
• еxpansion of motor abilities of students;
• forming mental stability to the adverse effects of factors of professional activity and the environment;
• health promotion, promotion of healthy lifestyles;
• instilling in students the need for systematic physical training in order to maintain the proper psycho-physical condition, taking into account features of their future professional activity.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Prerequisites: General physical Education
• Additional requirements: Sport for everybody.
Summary of the subject:
Disclose meaning of physical education in ensuring the physical, mental and social health. Requirements provide the subject building knowledge about the need regular and systematic knowledge of physical exercise, correction and optimization of the use this knowledge in the educational process to ensure a high level somatic health of students. Significant place and control of motor and physical development of students have important place in discipline. Рhysical education is an integral part of education and training, a means to optimize the physical and physiological condition of the students in the process of training, аs an academic discipline. The training material is aimed at developing students' skills and health assessment skills in terms of their own physical and functional state.
Recommended Books:
1. Baronenko V.A. Zdorov'e y fyzycheskaya kul'tura studenta / V.A. Baronenko, L.A. Rapoport. – M. : Al'fa, 2009. – 352 s.
2. Volkov V.L. Rozvytok fizychnykh zdibnostey studentiv u systemi fizychnoyi pidhotovky : monohrafiya / V. L. Volkov. – K. : Osvita Ukrayiny, 2011. – 420 s.
3. Hryban V.H. Valeolohiya : navch. posib. / V. H. Hryban. – K. : TsUL, 2008. – 213 s.
4. Hryhorovych E.S. Fyzycheskaya kul'tura v zhyzny studenta / E.S. Hryhorovych, V.A. Pereverzev // Mynsk : Tesey, 2008. – 227 s.
5. Horodylyn S.K. Fyzycheskoe vospytanye studentov / S.K. Horodylyn, V.V. Rudenyk. – Hrodno : HrHU, 2010. – 80 s.
6. Evseev Yu. Y. Fyzycheskaya kul'tura / Yu. Y. Evseev. – Rostov na/D : Fenyks, 2008. – 380 s.
7. Koryahyn V.M. Testovыy kontrol' v fyzycheskom vospytanyy: monohrafyya / V.M. Koryahyn, O.Z. Blavt. – Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is a trademark of: OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, 2013. – 144 s.
8. Mahl'ovanyy A.V. Ponyattya zdorovoho sposobu zhyttya, ozdorovche trenuvannya / A.V. Mahl'ovanyy // Humanitarni ta resursni problemy natsional'noyi bezpeky Ukrayiny: [monohrafiya; Akad. nauk vyshchoyi osvity Ukrayiny (knyha 2)]. – K.: Ekspres- Polihraf, 2012. – S. 76-112.
9. Prysyazhnyuk S. I. Fizychne vykhovannya / S. I. Prysyazhnyuk. – K. : TsUL, 2008. – 502 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control: (48%): visit workshops.
• Final control: (52%): execution of test requirements.